Torchwood: Lease of Life
2021 • 1h


Average rating5

Jamie RevellSupporter

This unusually gory story is set in a 3-bedroom rented property in Cardiff, where Owen has turned up to investigate a particularly nasty outbreak of mould and rising damp. It's told largely from the perspective of one of the residents, a junior estate agent (that's “realtor” if you're American) who finds things rapidly spiralling out of control as the infestation spreads. It's one of those stories whose impact may depend on the listener's own phobias or sense of disgust - it's probably just as well it doesn't have visuals (or smells).

This makes it essentially a base-under-siege, although to say much more would venture into spoiler territory. Suffice it to say that there is a secondary theme as well, which has more of a connection to the title. Owen, who is still fully alive at the point this is set, comes across as something of the jerk that he was in the first Torchwood TV season but still at least trying to do the right thing and save the unfortunate bystanders. Similarly, the main guest character is well-written, giving her a believable depth considering the short length of the story and its focus on horror. It's those features and the steadily building sense of dread that make this a strong story... if not one for those with a weak stomach.

September 30, 2023