Torchwood: Serenity
2019 • 1h


Average rating4.5

Jamie RevellSupporter

This is, in effect, Torchwood's take on The Stepford Wives although what's going on is entirely different. Jack and Ianto go undercover in the sort of gated community that's far more common in the US than I suspect it is in Cardiff and initially we're treated to the saccharine banality of an over-the-top idyllic suburb. Soon enough, we discover what they're doing there, and needless to say, aliens are involved. It's partly a satire on a desire to preserve a way of life that probably never really existed outside of soap commercials and partly more traditional sci-fi as the protagonists try to get to the bottom of what's going on. The adult elements are relatively minor, with some allusions to sex and the occasional bit of bad language, but nothing explicit. It's very well done, a strong mixture of comedy and alien peril with some great lines and good performances from the leads.

May 2, 2022