Average rating4.5
Bloody hell! How does he do it? Brandon Sanderson, its a pleasure to be living in this age! Robert Jordan set very high standards and it to step into those boots to complete the franchise is a burden as heavy as a mountain. And what does Brandon do? He outstrips anything written so far by keeping tightly to Roberts characters but adding much more highpoints and conclusions within each book. Towers of Midnight is littered with so many gems that you get goosebumps every 2 chapters and that is bloody brilliant writing. The Taveran are the center of all the action and its Mat once again who emerges by far the coolest. So many of the open loop holes of the past are closed and you know that many more will get their due in the final book. The glaring omit is the Black Tower but I am sure that is for later. All in all my dreams are filled with this world and I need to finish this and look back at what has been a phenomenal 2 months of going where the Wheel wills!