Average rating4.5
No matter how long I've been reading these books (now over 20 years) they hold my attention. I can't wait until the last book comes out and I can read the whole series again and completely. This book combines all the storylines into one. There isn't the usual seperation of storylines. Some of the books just would focus on certain characters, now they are all coming together for the Last Battle. There isn't much on the Seachan but I expect that they will be tied up in the last book as well. I'm still happy that Brian Sanderson is finishing the story and while I sense a little difference in the voice telling the story it doesn't distract me. Overall the book adds to the story and I'm happy to have read it....
Nothing is more annoying than 3 chapters in a row of various characters doing their best Jon Snow “I do not want it” impressions. So over it, just accept your destiny that you're clearly skilled at and made for and eventually going to do anyway you idiots! Luckily that part short lived and things keep moving along nicely.
Perrin was the star of the show, finally getting back to being fun. Matrim continues his brutal suffering at the hands of Sanderson with a couple of multiple book plotlines tied off in a weirdly short time.
As far as I can see without having done book 14, this book also has one of the most unnecessary “you thought they died but they're actually alive” plot threads I've ever seen in my life.
I have to say there were times in the WOT series I was worried, but with the last two installments the series has really picked up. Towers of Midnight was a great read and I highly recommend it to other's who are fans of the Wheel of Time. Brandon Sanderson has done a great job picking up where RJ left off. Thank you Brandon and RIP Robert Jordan.