Treat People Right!: How Organizations and Employees Can Create a Win/Win Relationship to Achieve High Performance at All Levels

Treat People Right!

How Organizations and Employees Can Create a Win/Win Relationship to Achieve High Performance at All Levels

2003 • 261 pages


Average rating3


Another book read for class. This one started out wonderfully but, for me, fell off in the end. Especially in the epilogue, Lawler rails against researchers and authors that create “catch-phrases” and one-step how-to guides. I'm sure he realizes this, but his whole discussion of treating people right and the “virtuous spiral” is just another catch-phrase.

In general, Lawler's premise is a worthy one. Everyone, but especially those of us that are leaders, should make it a practice to treat people right - with respect and dignity. Lawler is quick to point out that leaders should take the appropriate steps to enrich their employees' jobs, empower them, and motivate them (in positive ways, of course). This is good advice.

As the book went on, it just lost its connection with me. I would recommend it...just with the caution that it is not the “one with the answer”.

June 28, 2009