Average rating4.5
Contains spoilers
This is Brandon Sanderson 1st of 4 secret novels
This book is set in the greater Cosmere of Brandon Sanderson but on a new world which we have not yet visited until this book.
This story is told in hoids voice and has a much more YA feel that other cosmere books and as Sanderson has said was inspired by Princess Bride and it certainly has that feel.
This books magic system is certainly different based around these spore seas but feels more like the natural biology of the world more than magic but still having that magical feel to it, its kind of hard to explaine lol. A very magical feeling world without alot of magic
Throughout this book there are numerous cosmere referneces to other worlds, lifeforms, magic systems and technology. I would argue that this is a great introduction to the cosmere, Fans will recognized the references and new readers to the cosmere don't need to know the references
Overall I really enjoyed this book and loved it but falls short of a 5 star review for me personally
only a few complains really. Mainly that there a few references to things that just would not be in the Cosmere including things from Earth, a non cosmere world but also HP Lovecraft references which while cool and awesome as I do like HP Lovecraft, Lovecraft does not fit in with the cosmere. And I don't think Hoid our narrator would know HP Lovecraft
Full reivew coming soon to my youtube channel, will updated review with link when that goes live
Originally posted at www.youtube.com.