Trial of the Sun Queen
2022 • 400 pages


Average rating3.6


Contains spoilers

WOW. Wow. WOW! When I say, "I want to read some Fantasy, High Fae, Romance, with Spice." This book was EXACTLY what I want. This will blow you out of the water! I love this book and it was a top highlight of 2023 for me! It is so well written, and so well weaved I felt like the ancient Greek Seamstresses were telling me this story. It was that good. I devoured this book! Let's get into it!

First off, I want to thank Nisha for gracing us with this wonderful book & second, for using words the readers want to read/see in sex scenes, especially in fantasy romance books. Those would be cock, pussy, clit, wet, thrust.

With a dedication like this I knew I was in for a wild ride.

For anyone who finds themselves driven by both love and rage.

Our main character, Lor, is an all-around bad-ass. She ate and left no crumbs in this book. The first line of the book is so iconic, and that first chapter had me calling two friends and telling them about the book. I was hooked to say the least. Lor has been through a lot, both physically and mentally. She's had to grow up in prison and that, along with her loving & also harden siblings), has shaped her into a truly brave and strong woman. I felt myself rooting for her every move and consistenly backing her up when she was telling someone off. Which was often & I rather enjoyed. It was very nice to see a hardened character taken out of that place and still have that trauma present. Not that I want Lor to suffer, but that upbringing and environment strongly shaped her as a person and it wouldn't have made sense to have her "all of sudden have healed trauma and forget about it all." I think she is a truly flushed out & flawed character. She makes stupid mistakes, but learns from them. She sticks up for herself and doesn't take shit from anyone. She knows who she is. I love reading about a woman who knows what she is and what she wants. She doesn't wallow in self-pity and "I'm so weak as a human". She continues to grow throughout the book and I loved reading every part of her journey. Did I mention she's older than 20? 24, darlings. FINALLY! & she drinks! She drinks to calm her nerves or after a long day. Finally a character that isn't looked down upon for drinking or characters that don't drink at all. She is amazing & the kind of women we need to see more of in these fantasy books.

The other characters... just as good! I felt myself telling off Gabriel and holding back from loving Atlas too much. I got to be hesitant with these first book men. The authors always swing something on us in book two lol. He was HOT, and loved Gold. So much Gold.

Was there sex? Was there spice? Was there tension? Was it actually good? YES! It had me looking around my room at one point, and I'm a 27-year-old living on my own. haha

The way my girl Nisha had Lor getting her coochie ate out. Girlll I was living for her!

We also meet the mysterious, Nadir. Let me just say all these Fae men are sexy. He's got some bad dad issues, but all very warranted if you ask me. Comes with the territory of an egotistical, power-hungry father. His sister, Amya, was just what a supportive sister should be. There to listen and go along with the plan, but call you out on your shit, too. Also, her style is top-tier! His parts are written in third-person and I loved learning more about The Aurora from his and Lor's perspectives. They are vastly different. One as a prince and the other a prisoner in the worst rat hole of a prison, at that.

Lor's POV is first-person, but the way it's written, you're getting all the action. Every detail. I have no complaints. I usually hate first-person pov, but this one was really good! Lor was lying to me the whole time, too! I felt betrayed at the end lol! I don't love the bachelor or competing for men, but I saw it as Lor did; a means to an end to help those she loves. I loved the trials, and how she found ways to get through them. The world-building was at the right pace. I was immersed and could keep up with what was going on. I'm excited to get the next book because I know we get to learn more about all the other rulers. We got a nice tasting at the ball, but I'm ready for more! Honestly, I love this world and the characters and it's just book one. Nisha killed it with this one! You won't regret picking this up.

December 10, 2023