Tricky Princess
390 pages


Average rating4


I absolutely loved this sequel! I really enjoy a good “I must go track down my girlfriend from Hell” plot line. Ros is determined to find Ellea after being taken from him by his father, the King of Hel. I really enjoyed Azzy and Ellea's friendship during her time in Hel. It was adorable how he was always helping her and training her to be better. Their back and forth is fun to read about and how Ellea was able to soften him up. It was hilarious to see Ros come save her and she is just hanging out reading with his dad.

The entire book is a fun read. So much action is happening throughout the entire book. Ellea is becoming even more badass and you learn about more powers she has and where she came from. Her mother is still out to get her and she needs to kill her to make it safe for the world.

That ending! I squealed. I just really love Ros and Ellea. I can't wait for book 3! Thank you L.L. Campbell for giving me this ARC to read!

August 17, 2022Report this review