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Truth & Hot Chocolate

Truth & Hot Chocolate


Average rating4


This book was cute and sweet, with a good dose of steam. AJ is a Hollywood actor looking for a break from his actor persona, while Diego is an LA caterer trying to get away from a scandal in Hollywood and feeling unfilled in life. They both end up at Diego's family cabin, and they end up stranded together after a snowstorm together, and after a rocky start, they end up falling for each other. AJ is a bit of a brat, and as the story continues, we understand that it is due to his traumatic relationship with Graham, an ex-boyfriend who has also decided to ruin Diego's life. AJ and Diego have great chemistry, and it's nice to see how their relationship develops. Diego was extremely patient with AJ despite the occasional bouts of bratty behavior. The ending was good, but I wish there was more story between their reunion and the epilogue.

Thanks to GRR for providing me with a copy of this book for my honest review.

April 18, 2023Report this review