Cover 4



2014 • 190 pages

Happy Surprise!Covers fooling me once again. I though this would be a marshmallow Yaoi style read but the truth is that aside from the cover art this is not fluff at all. I was also surprised because I'd read [a:Yamila Abraham 151017 Yamila Abraham]'s [b:Her Twin Brother 16010189 Her Twin Brother Yamila Abraham 21777243] and was distinctly unimpressed. Let's hear it for second chances!The first half of this this book was a fairly straightforward tale of an inexperienced young man making his way in the penal system. The details of are pretty true to life or as accurate as can be and still call a book a romance. Ryan Burgess is young but no pushover and he learns to navigate the shark infested waters of prison. Luckily for Ryan Ray Harrison takes a shine to him and while Ryan is getting acclimated to prison life, with Ray's guidance, Ray is also conducting a prison style wooing that's swoon worthy. Ray helps Ryan but doesn't baby him and makes clear his desires and intentions. Ray is in for a long stretch and he wants a relationship, not just sex. He's willing to wait until Ryan comes willingly to him. That's romantic.The second half is the organic evolution of Ryan's feelings and attitude towards Ray and a possible relationship with a man which is something that he hadn't contemplated. This done subtly and utterly believably particularly if you take into account how little chance to live Ryan had before entering prison. He was 18! However Ms. Abraham doesn't shy away from the true horrors of prison or paint those there as misunderstood angels. For the most part they are hardened felons who nonetheless remain human beings with hopes, aspirations and love to give and receive.The ending was swoon worthy and I sure I'll be revisiting this again. Also [a:Klaus von Hohenloe 15425372 Klaus von Hohenloe]'s narration is awesome. I would strongly recommend this to anyone.

April 7, 2017