This is a lovely collection from some of my favorite web-comic writers and artists, including the team behind “Namesake.” The art is beautiful and the stories are retellings and twists on more obscure fairy tales (including Snow White and Rose Red, a childhood favorite of mine). All of the stories are told from a female-centric viewpoint and many of them have strong LGBTQ themes at a G rating, something that's often difficult to find. There's also a huge spread of cultures represented both in the origin of the fairy tales and the cast of characters. Every child is bound to find a princess that matches her outside and inside.

As with any collection, some stories are better than others, some art is better than others, but most of the time the only issue I had with a story is it seemed far too short and I could tell there was a much longer piece waiting just outside the page count. Aside from these unfinished-feeling tales, I'd highly recommend this to anyone who loves a good fairy tale twist and especially kiddos who need a diverse hero in their lives.

August 17, 2015