2018 • 336 pages


Average rating3.7


[b:Verity 41957126 Verity Colleen Hoover 64581304]Twisty from Chapter One to the LastI am having a very hard time with where to even begin with this review. Firstly, I want to say that it has nothing to do with the fact that this book isn't good because it was an amazing read from start to finish. I finished the entire book in about two days. If you know anything about Colleen Hoover then you know she loves to draw you in with a wonderful if not tear-filled romance that keeps you on the edge of your seat. While this was definitely a nail biter there was nothing romantic about it. This is dark and gritty and amazing all on its own. I had no clue what this book was about when I started it. I rarely read a book's synopsis, but I never read them for Hoover's books. Judging by the cover, I assumed it was going to be a darker story, I just didn't have a clue of what I was getting into. The definition of verity is a true principle or belief, especially one of fundamental importance. Colleen Hoover takes this word, uses it as the name for one of her characters, and ties up any preconceived notions you might have about “true principles or beliefs” into a thousand knots. You do not know, as one-character asks, which truth is manipulated.Verity comes down to this line: “I can't explain the mind of a writer.” There are two writers in this book; in fact, there are two narrators. Which one tells the truth? Which one adheres to the “fundamental importance” of truth? I feel as though if I give you too much of the plot then you won't pick it up and read it yourself and that would just be wrong. I will say that the dynamic of all the parties involved is masterfully woven into a quick read. What I didn't expect is the end. You will never see it coming. I appreciate a book that makes me need to turn on all my lights just to finish it. I need someone else to read this book so I can have someone to discuss this with. So, go pick it up and tell me how much you loved it or hated.

January 14, 2020