

2011 • 306 pages


Average rating4


my thoughts

cover: The cover does not really tell me something about this book. Its just nice to look at. The pink-reddish in contrast to the black silhouette. The uk cover is a bit plain and boring for my taste . Just a girl on the cover . she whore that dress in a scene

book: I first saw this on my on one of my favorite blogs as a review book. I looked it up on goodreads and added it to my tbr/wishlist shelf. When i got the galley grab email, i was so exited seeing it downloaded it along with pledge and legacy ,will be reading those soon.

Carmen Bianchi our leading lady has got it all , fame and fortune and she's only 17 but has social and family issues. I felt for her ,like i wanted to be there as a friend. Her stress and all.

Jeremy King is the romantic intrest. He was not the ‘‘BAD BOY” but not the perfect goody two shoes boyfriend. A normal British young teenage dude ,except being a music prodigy. I think a couple of galls and some guys wil swoon over his british accent and appearence in their mind, will say this he played rugby imagine those muscles ,droolish.
There was no insta-love I admire that. I like love triangles, but sometimes its overkill and so overdone. This does not have that, triangles i mean. Miss Martinez did not focus much on the romance but more on the coming of age of Carmen and facing her fears. I wanted to know a little bit more bouth Jeremy's life and such

Other than Jeremy and Carmen, my favorite character was Clark, her step dad. A true father and a fanatic White socks fan. OK a tad fanatic.

Had no trouble with Jessica's writing and the pasing of virtuosity. Some 50 or so pages were a bit slow but the remaining 100 pages were exiting. The ending was thoroughly good but it was bittersweet.

Was exited for this book cause i always wanted to play the violin but a music instructor said that a drum or a instrument of that sort would be for me. Something with differentiating music tones and have small hands for a male , not femine but small hands. When i encountered a classical piece in this book, i looked it up on youtube. Virtuosity gave me a look in the world of musicians and the classical type. Jessica is one, a musician and plays the violin beautifully. Recordings of here are on here site. . If you click on it you will here her recordings immediately under tab “Extras”.

NOTE; listened to her recordings while reading Virtuosity to get me in the mood to read her book and i enjoyed it even more.

October 14, 2011