Average rating4.1
My favourite of the three so far. I enjoyed finally having Jamie's POV and wished more, if not all, of the book was it, instead of Claire's narrative. I also enjoyed the returned presence of one John Grey and am excited to start his series of novels.
The return of Geillie was odd and unnecessary. All of her bits could have been done with a new character, instead of rehashing Claire's obsession with Geillie over and over in these books. I can only assume the author herself really liked her creation to continue to reuse her. I'd like to see Claire meet more time travellers - if there are stones all over the world like we see on Hispaniola here and twice in Scotland...
Also, barring the presence of “Nessie” in book #1 and the loa magic here in book #3, there isn't any more proof of the supernatural. If there are magic circles and voodoo, an actual ghost or two wouldn't go amiss.