Average rating4.2
Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere universe is a wonderful collection of stories. Knowing they are part of greater whole is intriguing and I am curious to see how everything gets tied together. The way he has got several coexisting storylines in similar but not the same worlds is definitely a clever way of world building.
Warbreaker is the first in one of these individual arcs within his universe. The key distinguishing of each separate arc is usually its magic system and warbreaker does not disappoint with a really clever colour based magic. Every magic system I have seen from Sanderson has been phenomenal and this is no exception.
The key plot of a princess sent to marry some ‘evil' king of a distant kingdom and their sibling trying to rescue them is a familiar fantasy trope but Sanderson puts his own unique twists on the tale. The characters are extremely well realized and thoroughly engaging. The banter and interactions are always gripping. The world building is fantastic. I look forward to the next entry in this arc!