Watership Down
1972 • 478 pages


Average rating4.1


As a child, my parents had me watch the movie version of this before I ever knew it originated from a book. If you've ever seen the movie, you would know it's a graphic, terrifying visual representation for a young child to see–as good as it was. Having been scarred for life by images of bunnies getting gassed underground, I would never have picked up this book had it not been for all the great reviews.

Reluctant at first, I started reading it and within a few chapters, I was in love! The story was a beautifully told, with simple yet entrancing descriptions and characters. I could read this over and over again and never grow tired of it. I will definitely read this to my own children someday, but probably wait to show them the movie until they're a bit older...

July 13, 2017