Welcome to Night Vale


Average rating3.8


I loved it. That's it for the review. Now for my answer to the question, “Should I read this if I don't listen to the podcast?” I say, Sure, go ahead. If you are the sort who would love Cecil's broadcasts, then you will love this book podcast-unheard. If not, then not. The book will not spoil the podcast, and frankly, listening to the first episode will confuse you just as much as the book will.

As for those who complain that the book has no plot, I finally figured out that they read a different book than I, Something other than Welcome to Night Vale, so I can not comment. I am sad that they read such a plotless book, whatever it was, and I think some Goodreads librarian should figure out exactly what that book is and then separate out the reviews for the two different books so as not to cause confusion. This book, Welcome to Night Vale, has lots of plot, lots of story, lots of purposeful consecutive action, but even more it has real humans in great human distress trying to deal with all the mess life throws at them. Read the book to find out how they handle things.

August 26, 2016