What Happened at the Abbey

What Happened at the Abbey

326 pages

Ingrid has a secret, one she hopes no one will figure out. She and her daughter, Susan, have found themselves in a precarious situation which has brought them to Strathbairn.

Strathbairn is a cold, desolate estate, but it makes the perfect hiding place. What Ingrid soon comes to realize is Strathbairn, and its inhabitants, have secrets of their own...ones that make her wonder how perfect a hiding place this really is.

I enjoy reading gothic mysteries and suspense and What Happened at the Abbey definitely fits the mood. It's dark, atmospheric and at times melancholy.

This author has a way with words and after reading for a bit, I felt like I was transplanted into that time and place. Definitely made for a bleak morning some days

January 24, 2024