Average rating3.9
Woah. If there's one word I would use to describe this book it would be- trippy. I had no idea what this book was about going in and I didn't know what to expect but it sure as heck was not this. I can without a doubt say that this is probably the best plot I have encountered in a thriller so far. It's just raw and messed up and very unpredictable. I was holding onto the edge of my seat for my dear life and still feel like I didn't escape totally in one piece. This book will suck you in from page one and then spit you out. Exhilarating.
This novel is about Nina, who keeps her mother chained inside her own home for reasons you wouldn't expect and how things transpire from that. I loved everything about this plot, it's exactly what I want from my thrillers. I also loved that we got a peek into what happened in the past and how it led them to where they are today, that made for an even more immersive reading experience and there was not a chance in hell of ever being bored. Anxiety stricken and biting your nails- yes. Bored- hell no. I didn't even try to guess what would happen in this book because the plot was beyond messed-up and I was still recovering from the shock factor of it all. Of course, the shocks just kept coming and didn't stop until the book ended. Talk about a wild ride.
Further on, the characterization in this book is superb. The characters are very well developed and we get to see into all their dark psyches and as more details from the past come to light, we see into their souls deeper and deeper. The characters grew on me but they were probably some of the most wicked, flawed characters I have ever encountered in novels before. From a psychological standpoint I found it fascinating but from an ordinary human standpoint it was beyond horrifying and eye-opening. It really showed the negative aspect of the human race.
Thirdly, the writing style was great. It wasn't my favorite in the whole world but it did it's job and even excelled in doing it for the most part. It was precise and to the point, although it was just a tiny bit too choppy for me in some places. Even so, I ate this book up and that didn't deter me from racing through the novel without barely stopping to take a breath. I will be picking up the other books this author has written and already have one coming in the mail in a few days. Glad I found a new favorite!
In conclusion, I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to be insanely creeped out and shocked beyond the point of no return. This is one of the most messed up thrillers I have read so far and it chilled me right to the bone. Not for the faint of heart, this book will send you over the edge and you will remain there for a long time after you have finished reading it. Outstanding!