Average rating3.6
I had a hard time rating this book. It was really interesting and captivating. It held my attention but until the last 20% or so it didn't feel like a thriller. I feel like a good 15-20% could have been removed to quicken the pace. That being said, that's in no way about the book but the classification of thriller. I felt everything that happened was important, both in the story and in educating readers. I liked the build up and how everything tied together in the end. That last 20% had me gasping and turning sitting on the edge of my seat.
Some of the scenes in this book may be hard for some people to read/ listen to but they are important to the story and the impact they have on the reader/ listener.
The narration was great. Performed by Susan Dalian and Jay Aaseng. They both brought something unique and realistic to the performance. The production was great with no issues to note.