Where You Can Find Me

Where You Can Find Me



Average rating5


I've been working my way through Fiona Cole's back-catalog since devouring Shame, and I have to say, how is this her first book? It is fantastic. I fell in love with these characters, I loved the story and the suspense. I laughed and I cried, ok, I sobbed. It had everything I love about romantic suspense and even some things that made me uncomfortable, but I just couldn't stop turning the pages. I was hooked. The last chapter about killed me, I don't think my heart could survive any more...and then that epilogue. F**k me! I loved the suspense and that sense of whodunit. I had my suspicions and was both happy and sad they proved right. Fiona Cole writes stories I want to not only read, but devour. She captures my attention, my heart, and my breath with each word she writes. I need more. Always more.
These characters. Sigh. I've never done such a 180 on a character as fast as I did in this book. But, that's all I'll say about that - just read it. Jack MacCabe was so swoony, I loved him, I also wanted to reach into my kindle and smack him upside the head while shouting ‘communication!!!' But those moments were few and far between. Mainly, I just loved him. Is Fiona ever going to write a guy I don't fall head over heels for? I vote NO! Luella King is my girl. I love her so so much. She funny and sweet and kick arse. She's not afraid of her mistakes and readily admits to them. She's strong in her own way. Their relationship was so sweet...and sexy. I mean, just read the scene when they meet and try not to let your Kindle melt...and that's just the start.

July 10, 2018