White Night
2007 • 376 pages


Average rating4.2


Executive Summary: This is one of three books from the Dresden Files series I've given 5 stars to, and if you follow my reviews, you know that's something I try not to do lightly. I really enjoy it start to finish.Audio book: I could just copy paste this section from book to book. James Marsters is great. If you've been reading my previous reviews or listening to this series yourself you know that. Highlights in this book include him actually yelling during one scene and this crazy french accent.Full ReviewSo I finally arrived to what was for years my favorite Dresden book. I'm still not quite sure, but I think [b:Changes 6585201 Changes (The Dresden Files, #12) Jim Butcher http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1304027244s/6585201.jpg 6778696] edges this out for best in the series.This is the book that turned me into a herald for [a:Jim Butcher 10746 Jim Butcher http://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1205261964p2/10746.jpg]. I couldn't shut up about this series for awhile. I would tell anyone who would listen they should read this series. (NOTE: This happened a second time after [b:Cold Days 12216302 Cold Days (The Dresden Files, #14) Jim Butcher http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1345145377s/12216302.jpg 17189468] last year.)Now this isn't a life changing book or something. It just one of those books I have trouble putting down. Page-turning fun. In fact I spent at least 2 hours doing nothing else but listening to the ending. Normally I'm driving, riding my bike, running errands or doing stuff around the house. I ran out of stuff to do to keep listening, so I just sat in my easy chair and finished it.Gone is the stranger coming to Harry's office. Gone is the introduction to some new characters/aspects of Harry's world. Mr. Butcher simply takes all the building blocks he established in the previous books to tell a really fun story, with a truly awesome ending.I'm probably overselling this book. Only one of my friends I've since recommended this to seems to love this book as much as I do, and he stubbornly refuses to admit [b:Changes 6585201 Changes (The Dresden Files, #12) Jim Butcher http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1304027244s/6585201.jpg 6778696] is a better book. Still, if you don't thoroughly enjoy this book, why are you still reading this series?Murphy calls Dresden to check out a crime scene off the books. A woman is dead. It turns out a lot of them are. They appear to have committed suicide, but something just seems off.If you know this series, you know if there is one thing that turns Harry Dresden from well reason detective to charge in first ask questions later neanderthal, it's when someone is hurting women. Especially in his town.Harry is going to do whatever it takes to put a stop to it, even if it kills him. We finally get to see Harry be a true badass in this book. There have been glimmers before, but nothing quite like this. With my vague memory of the next few books, it's something we won't quite see again until [b:Changes 6585201 Changes (The Dresden Files, #12) Jim Butcher http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1304027244s/6585201.jpg 6778696] either.This book shows that both Harry Dresden and Jim Butcher have both matured into something more then when they started.

July 6, 2012