Average rating3.9
This was a perfect introduction to Dostoyevsky. I was touched by how bittersweet and tender White Nights is. This beautiful but heartbreaking story will hold a special place in my heart.
It's extraordinary the way Dostoyevsky could make me feel so much identification with his characters even when they are a century and a half away.
So many people in the world can totally relate to the Dreamer character... And the way Nastenka treats him, well, it mirrors what happens in real life too... Fairy tale endings don't exist.
Also, Dostoevsky's solitary, unattached dreamer willfully retreated from engagement with others and the world, while Nastenka is literally “pinned” to her grandmother's skirt and strict guardianship. Her narrative is one of development and action.
Even the narrator's final words were
“As if I would recall my resentment, Nastenka! Or would cast a dark cloud across your bright untroubled happiness, or would inflict misery on your heart with my bitter reproaches, stinging it with hidden pangs, making it beat anxiously in your moment of bliss? That I would crush even one of those tender blossoms which you wove into your dark curls as you approached the altar with him . . . oh, never, never! May your sky always be bright, and your sweet smile always be radiant and serene, yes, and may you be blessed for the moment of bliss and happiness you gave to another lonely, grateful heart! My God! One whole moment of bliss! Is that not sufficient for a man's entire life?”