Cover 6

Witch Hunt



Average rating4


Disclaimer: I received an eARC in exchange for a review.

Witch Hunt is the first in a new series by SM Reine. I have several of her other books but haven't gotten to them yet. I'm glad I decided to hit this book first. It features a male protangonist, which you don't see too often in urban fantasy settings. Cèsar Hawk's a witch working for a “secret” government society that helps keep the paranormal under wraps and patrolled. Right from the beginning of the book Reine sets us into the action and it never lets go from there. We're treated on a 2-hour romp (it took me only two hours to read this book) through Cèsar's life as he hunts down help in discovering a murder mystery that turns out to be a set up for a wider arc.

The world felt real and yet had great elements of the fantastic. Cèsar isn't just some guy who runs around thinking like a “cop” or with his genitals... he actually cares and has depth that comes out through the book. And it's a real fun read.

Bottom Line: Want a quick and fun read in the urban fantasy genre? Try this one out.

June 10, 2014