Average rating4.1
Executive Summary: This book to me is by far the best in the series. It's the reason I love the Dark Tower. I've read it more times than I can remember, and I highly recommend it.Audio Book: Another quality reading from Frank Muller. I've gotten used to him the last 3 books, and now I'm sorry this was his last.Full ReviewWhen I first was recommended the Dark Tower I was in high school. This was the most recent book. When I got to it's end I wanted more. There was no more to be had.You could almost read this stand alone if you skip the parts at the beginning and end as most of it is a flashback. I was shocked when I read some people consider this the worst book in the series. I consider it the best, by far. Maybe it's because of when I read it. Or how many times. In fact this is the first time I've read it since the final 3 books came out. I had started it a few times since, but never read the whole thing.This book was a staple of my end table in the living room. It basically became a platform for my remote controls. When I moved into my house in 2008 it got boxed up separately from my other books and along with my living room stuff, and ended right back up on my end table.I finally put it back on the shelf sometime last year, but it still feels odd to not see it there. I worried this book wouldn't stand up to my teen-aged notions of what is good. I had no reason to worry. I love this book just as much now as I did then.So this is a book review, maybe I should say something about the content of the book, rather than rambling on? Sure. Why not?[b:The Waste Lands 34084 The Waste Lands (The Dark Tower, #3) Stephen King https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1389762449s/34084.jpg 1810634] leaves off on one hell of a cliffhanger. The worst by far of any of the books. I feel bad for anyone who had to wait for this book. This book wraps that up in pretty short order.The bulk of this book is a flashback to Roland's childhood. It picks up right where things left off in [b:The Gunslinger 43615 The Gunslinger (The Dark Tower, #1) Stephen King https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1375776480s/43615.jpg 46575].The stories of Roland's childhood fascinate me. Maybe because the world was still in the early parts of “Moving On”. Maybe its because Roland's so young and hasn't experienced all the trials and tribulations to come.Maybe it's because in some ways I like his Original Ka-Tet better than his current one. Or at least Cuthbert. I could read a whole spin-off about Culthbert Allgood.This book has by far the best action sequences in the whole series, including this amazing stand-off with a rival ka-tet. By the last week or so I didn't want to stop listening. I started bring the book in the house with me and finding excuses to listen to it, including in the morning while I was getting read for work. I could probably turn around and start listening to it again, but I have to continue on my journey towards the Dark Tower with [b:Wolves of the Calla 4978 Wolves of the Calla (The Dark Tower, #5) Stephen King https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1419360231s/4978.jpg 2754911]. I've probably hyped it to an ideal it can't live up to, but it should come close.If you actually made it this far in my gushing pretending to be a book review I Say Thankee Sai.