Jamie RevellSupporter

For a story that's basically introducing a new hero to the DC universe, this doesn't do the best of jobs. It seems to start in media res, which leads me to believe that there's something that's not been included here that gives us more of a background. But, then again, it may just be all rather rushed, with the origin story leaping along from place to place without explaining very much along the way.

On the plus side, Yara is a fun character, and the idea of a third tribe of Amazons is interesting - which I presume is followed up in Trial of the Amazons where we may get a bit more background to put this into context. It's also good to see something set outside the usual comic book settings (and I gather DC has a lot of fans in Brazil, so there's sense in it). The artwork is lovely, which is a big plus, and there's good use of the WW supporting cast, with Cassie and Artemis sparring off against one another.

I think there's a lot of potential here, but taken on its own, this is a little confusing... it all makes sense in the end, but it's not the easiest of paths to get there. I do want to see more, but this isn't the strongest of starts.

November 16, 2022