Wonder Woman, Vol 3: Loveless
2020 • 208 pages


Average rating4

Jamie RevellSupporter

With Themiscyra having been destroyed (again) earlier in this storyline, now is the time to restore it to reality (again). That takes up the first two episodes of this collection, with the remaining five consituting the “Loveless” arc of the title. This is tied in with the “Year of the Villain” metaplot on DC at the time, but thankfully the connection is (at least at this point) fairly loose, since it doesn't really add anything to it.

Instead, we get a story about Cheetah being responsible for banishing love from the world. The effects of that are, perhaps a little overdone (most people do have other positive emotions, surely?) but, within the context of Wonder Woman it actually works quite well. That's because, at least when done properly, love has always been one of Diana's strongest motivations in a way that isn't true of, say, Batman. Without it, she's weaker, and we see some of the repercussions of that in amidst the combat scenes. On the downside, there's nothing much to Cheetah beyond just being unpleasant, and, despite this being the end of Wilson's run, the story feels unfinished (which, granted, it obviously is, because there are more issues to come, but there's normally more of a feel of an ending at such times and one feels that Wilson might have had more of worth still to say).

January 28, 2021