Wonder Woman, Vol. 9: The Enemy of Both Sides

Wonder Woman, Vol. 9: The Enemy of Both Sides



Average rating3

Jamie RevellSupporter

This is a mixed bag of stories with no connecting arc or theme. The first story is the best, showing Diana interacting with an imprisoned villain over the course of many years in a way that's difficult to imagine for many other superheroes. That's followed by a story that uses the interesting idea of having Wonder Woman face the Aztec gods for a change, but that does nothing much with that idea beyond a punch-up. Next up, she tries to stop a war between a group of renegade Amazons and a Middle Eastern nation, which has its heart in the right place, but doesn't deal with the characters long enough to develop anything. The collection is rounded out by a set of short stories by a number of different writers and artists, some of which are good, and some of which aren't. There are some individual gems in here, bringing out what makes Diana distinctive (the interview with Lois Lane, written in straight text, is one such) but it's too choppy to be successful as a whole.

November 6, 2019