Worst Laid Plans: An Anthology of Vacation Horror

Worst Laid Plans: An Anthology of Vacation Horror

2020 • 182 pages

Not that great

Reading this book is indeed a Worst Laid Plan. While a few stories (Greg Sisco, Hailey Piper, and V. Castro) stood out from the pack, most of the rest were lackluster, mediocre, confusing, unoriginal, or underdeveloped. I was really excited about this book and was super into the theme, but overall I was pretty disappointed. I rated each story on a ten star system and came to a mean rating of 4.7 for the anthology, which I've converted to ⭐️⭐️ for Amazon, Goodreads, and IG. For anyone interested, here's my story by story ratings (out of 10):

-You've Been Saved 7
-Summers with Annie 8
-Expertise 5
-Unkindly Girls 8
-Deep in the Heart 4
-Peelings 6
-The Difference Between Crocodiles and Alligators 1
-The Cucuy of Cancun 10
-Taylor Family Vacation 1
-The Penanggalan 5
-Sex with Dolphins 2
-Caught a Glimpse 5
-In the Water 4
-Good Time in the Badlands 2

June 11, 2021