Written in Red

Written in Red

2003 • 514 pages


Average rating4.2


Written in Red by Anne Bishop was a really good urban fantasy shapeshifter read for adult fiction. I usually don't pick up adult fiction that often but I was in that mood to have something hook me into the story and I am glad this was it!

Written in Red follows a girl named Meg Corybn that has recently just escaped from where she was being caged and used against her will for her ability that lets her see visions of the future known as a cassandra sangue or blood prophet. This right away was very interesting to read about. My favorite part was when she finally her side of what it meant for her to be a blood prophet. Meg stumbles upon a little town that is pretty much surrounded by different shape shifters. I was mainly interesting in reading about the wolves. Simon Wolfgard owns a shop in the town and hires her as the new Liaison for the town. He can sense that she is keeping a secret but he gives her the job with a place to live. Lucky right for someone that just ran away and has no money?

I really loved the main character, Meg, in this story. She was a unique person to read and learn about as the book went on. I really loved that they described her kind as someone who ages but has the soul of a child. I believe that described her very well. My favorite part of the book is when I got to read in Megs point of view because I just loved how she thinks. Being in a new place and new environment was interesting enough to see her adjust. She did it well and quickly. Much quicker than I would if I just escaped somewhere I was caged in for my entire life. Meg is a kind hearted person and is willing to do whatever she can to be free.

Simon Wolfgard is a terra indigene that lives in a secluded area where humans are not allowed but runs a shop in town that surrounds around his kind. Humans can come and shop there and he also has a few human employees. Simon is a very interesting and strong main male character. In the beginning, he is very cold and rude. Controls the entire area of the creatures that follow him. Once Meg comes to town, she starts to confuse him and she really grows on him after a while to where he needs to protect her. He gets confused about why he feels angry when she gets hurt or is sad when she isn't happy. It was just a really cute way to read his growth in the human emotions. By the end of the story, you can tell that he possibly even loves Meg.


When Simon leaves town for a week and has to take care of Sam, oh my God. I was just so engrossed into the two of them when they spent time together. Sam as a wolf puppy was very cute and as a reader you can tell that Meg was very good for Sam. When Elliot slaps Meg for putting Sam on a leach, this was a plot twist because Sam shifts back into a human for the first time since his mother died. I don't know how old Sam is, but I am assuming he is probably ten or so. I started to cry when he was defending Meg because he really loved her as a friend.

One of my favorite parts of the book is pretty much the ending. Where the people going after Meg tried to kidnap her and also Aria trying to take Sam. I loved all of the people that were looking out for Meg. Mainly Winter. She is amazing and I loved when she said that winter will not go away unless “our Meg” was okay. Simon was crazy during this part of the book also and we got to see that he was starting to care for her. He was wondering why he kept feeling so angry toward the people that put Meg in this position. Once everything was fine, it was cute when Simon was in wolf form and stealing all of Meg's dog cookies!

Overall, fantastic read. It took me a while to get into it but about 60 pages in I couldn't put it down. Read the rest in a few hours till 2am. It was great and I am going to pick up Murder of the Crow now!

April 20, 2014