Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights

197 • 376 pages


Average rating3.6


Why Heathcliff has become one of our ‘great romantic characters' is beyond me. He is selfish, vindictive, abusive, moody and cruel. Now you can blame these character traits on his tortured and enduring love for Cathy, but really he is just a miserable sod.

As for Cathy, I have seldom encountered a more spoilt and mean character. The way she teases Isabella about her feelings for Heathcliff reminded me of school-girl bullying.

However, at least these two characters had a bit of fire and passion within them. The most detestable character in Wuthering Heights has to be Linton - Heathcliff's spineless, insipid excuse for a son.

I didn't really like any of the characters in this novel (Cathy Jnr and Hareton turn out ok in the end), but maybe that is the point. I respect that not all works of fiction need a ‘goodie' and a ‘badie', and applaud Bronte for not making these distinctions at all.

I found the majority of the book a bit of a chore to read, but admit that I was satisfied in the end. I understand why Wuthering Heights is a classic, but think I will rather side with her sister and the delectable Mr. Rochester.

Oh, and did anyone understand anything Joseph said?

April 16, 2011