X-Men Legends, Vol. 1: The Missing Links

X-Men Legends, Vol. 1: The Missing Links


DNF–I picked this up because I was interested in [b:X-Men Legends Vol. 2: Mutant Mayhem (X-Men Legends 61065763 X-Men Legends Vol. 2 Mutant Mayhem (X-Men Legends (2021-2022)) Larry Hama https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1652154495l/61065763.SY75.jpg 96242436] but it turns out they are not really sequential and I found this Shi'ar + Summers brothers story very boring personally. If you're more into that flavor of thing, I'm sure you'll like it more than I did. It's definitely aimed at 90s nostalgia but I just don't have this exact nostalgia. (I have volume 2 nostalgia, more on that soon lol)

May 1, 2022