2014 • 432 pages


Average rating3.9


Full review to come once I've gathered my thoughts because wow

EDIT: Late review. Super late review, but I prefer to type these on my laptop and I really haven't had the time recently.

This book was insane. I listened to the first half on audiobook and read the second half in physical copy and both were really good. I wouldn't recommend one over another they were both phenomenal. 

This book was so creepy and so terrifying and I could not get enough of it. I have never read a book like this before, the perspective is so unique because it's in the second person which really puts you in the mind of our stalker, Joe, and being in Joe's mind is wild. I actually found myself forgetting some of the awful things he had done purely because we were seeing his reasoning behind things. The ways that he rationalized his actions in his head were so creepy because they are similar things that normal romances hold. Had I been in Beck's position I probably wouldn't have known anything was amiss either. Joe was so crafty and so good at covering his tracks that had we been reading this book from Beck's perspective I would have never guessed Joe would have been the culprit. It only really began hitting me once the end events began to wrap and boy did it hit me. I would definitely recommend this book if you want a unique thriller told from the perps perspective and something, unlike anything you may have ever seen before. I know there is a second book in this series, but I've read a number of bad reviews on it and I don't really think Kepnes will be able to outdo the masterpiece that is You so I'm not planning on reading Hidden Bodies.

March 1, 2018