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You'll Get Through This Study Guide with DVD Pack

You'll Get Through This Study Guide with DVD Pack

Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times by Max Lucado

2013 • 240 pages


Average rating5


Okay first, just look at the cover and think for a minute. Just how tough is concrete? How thick is concrete usually? Now how delicate is a bud of any plant. Be it a tree, or be it a daisy weed? Now think of the concrete busting and cracking just a little to get that faint plant, proof of life, through the harsh environment. Striving for sun, or like us for the Son. You'll Get Through This. This is the title and this is the message, that no matter where you are, and what you are facing, you WILL get through this. Reading this book is an event.

Turning the pages has me near to jumping in my seat, saying yes yes! exactly that! And woah, I didn't think of it that way. And hmm... maybe there is hope for me. Life can be rough, it can be turbulent from time to time and this Max Lucado book is a bit of Hope and Help. Using the life of Joseph and tangents into other Biblical and modern day short stories Max Lucado scratches a bit of the paint away from the painted over window glass and gives an aspect that maybe you haven't considered. For as the light starts to shine through that paint on to your furniture, or even your soul again you might see a glimpse of hope for another day.

Interestingly I picked up this book the same time as Lynn Austin's ‘Pilgrimage' and shortly after discovering Ann Voskamp's ‘One Thousand Gifts'. You can see my thoughts at that point in the archives.

Usually outside of theological texts I'm not much of a non-fiction person, but surprisingly, all of the sudden several have caught my eye and watching a similar theme wrap them in places just shows how God is working in my life and the things he wants to point out to me at this time. Lots of God moments and Bible underlining for this girl lately. I'm also collecting a lot of quotes.

‘You'll Get Through This: Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times' by Max Lucado is another one that is absolutely perfectly timed in my life for reception. It's main theme is Joseph, but oh my goodness I truly believe this is a book that everyone should read. Anyone can benefit from this no matter your difficulty. I've love Max Lucado's writing since I was but a pre-teen and each one I get sucked into, I enjoy his books more. I have underlined in the book (Kindle Fire digital copy) and gone on to write quotes in my journal and underlined scripture in my Bible as well as have made so many new notes that I can tell you my heart smiles with this little book.

I think God is trying to tell me something and he is doing it in a beautiful way. Now if only I can remember that from day to day, instead of looking at the darkness...

I read a digitial ARC.


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