Average rating4.3
Executive Summary: A fascinating and interesting read that had me laughing so hard in places that I had to set the book down. It's not all laughs however, and Ms. Day opens up a lot of personal details about her life that I would have never guessed. If you're a fan of Ms. Day's work, or just interested in the internet and the evolution of online video entertainment, I highly recommend this book. 4.5 Stars.
Full Review
Felicia Day changed my life. I never realized that until I started reading this book. That's impressive for someone I've never met before, but I suspect I'm not the only one whose life has been changed for the better thanks to Ms. Day.
I discovered the Guild closer to the end than the beginning of its run. As a longtime World of Warcraft junkie I found the show spoke to me personally. I knew people like all the characters, and saw parts of myself in some of them as well.
When I heard about Geek & Sundry, I was eager to see what Felicia Day had in store for us next. It was through Geek & Sundry that I discovered Sword & Laser and Goodreads itself. Goodreads and many of its members have now become a large part of my daily life, and it's the one social network I use with any regularity.
I also rekindled my love of tabletop gaming. Thanks to Wil Wheaton, I found myself amassing a large stockpile of games that I never played. So I started a monthly game night that's now nearing it's 3rd year. So while I doubt Ms. Day will ever read this review, I wish to express my thanks at her for the many friends I've made and all the fun I've had as a result.
My initial thought when I heard about this book was to wonder just how much of a book there was for someone so young. Ms. Day and I are only a few years apart in age, but it's apparent she's accomplished a lot more of note than I have in that time. That's OK though, since I don't think I have anywhere close to the drive she has to make my mark on the world.
What was more surprising to me was how much we have in common. I had a similar experience finding an online community of people who shared my passions in the early days of the internet. Additionally the height of my WoW addiction apparently coincided with hers (and likely many many others). Apart from that however, we've led very different lives.
That said, I still feel like if I could get over my awkwardness and not just be a giant fanboy around her, we could be friends. I think that quality is what endears her so much to her fans. Her authenticity and genuine passion for the things she does comes through as she describes her journey.
I was sad to read about some of the struggles she's had at a time where her work was vastly improving my own life. I'm happy to see things seem to have improved for her. I hope she continues to forge her own path, and is able to focus on all the great things she's given the world and just ignore all the idiots and haters out there.
I for one look forward to seeing what Ms. Day has in store for all of us next. Even if she never matches her past successes, I hope she can take pride in all the lives she's improved, like my own.