

Write Tight: How to Keep Your Prose Sharp, Focused and Concise

1993 • 1 Reader 3

How To Market A Book

#2 of 8 in Books for Writers

2013 • 7 Readers • 318 pages 4

You Can Write a Story or Narrative

2003 • 1 Reader 2

The Elements of Style; How to Speak and Write Correctly

2006 • 1 Reader • 164 pages

The Sloppy Copy Slipup

The Sloppy Copy Slipup
ByDyAnne DiSalvo-Ryan


How to Make a Book

How to Make a Book
ByChris Barton

2021 • 1 Reader • 40 pages 4

1,000 Creative Writing Prompts: Ideas for Blogs, Scripts, Stories and More

1 1,000 Creative Writing Prompts

2010 • 1 Reader • 132 pages

Max Makes a Million

#1 of 2 in Max

Max Makes a Million
ByMaira Kalman

1990 • 36 pages

The School Story

The School Story
ByAndrew Clements

2005 • 210 pages

Bambert's Book of Missing Stories

1998 • 5 Readers • 118 pages 4

Zen in the Art of Writing: Essays on Creativity

1973 • 115 Readers • 176 pages 3.7


#1 of 1 in Inkheart Trilogy

ByAnthea Bell(Translator),Cornelia Funke

2003 • 516 Readers • 556 pages 3.8

Brave New Words

Brave New Words
ByBernardine Evaristo,Mũkoma wa Ngũgĩ,+13 more

2019 • 1 Reader • 304 pages

The Gregg reference manual

The Gregg reference manual
ByWilliam A. Sabin

1951 • 1 Reader • 421 pages

The Medusa Frequency

The Medusa Frequency
ByRussell Hoban

1987 • 3 Readers • 143 pages 4

Rapscallion Jones

Rapscallion Jones
ByJames Marshall

1983 • 32 pages

A System for Writing

2024 • 3 Readers

The Book History Reader

The Book History Reader
ByDavid Finkelstein,Alistair McCleery,+1 more

2001 • 1 Reader • 404 pages 3

La risa de la medusa: Ensayos sobre la escritura

1975 • 1 Reader • 216 pages

Cómo crear personajes de ficción

Cómo crear personajes de ficción
ByJean Saunders,Silvia Adela Kohan(Translator)

2000 • 114 pages

Cover 7

Aiotko kirjailijaksi?
ByMika Waltari

1935 • 1 Reader • 215 pages

Cuaderno inoportuno

Cuaderno inoportuno
BySegovia Tomás

1987 • 1 Reader

Writing From Personal Experience Pod Edition

1997 • 1 Reader • 228 pages

Writing your life

Writing your life
ByPatti Miller

1994 • 354 pages

The Scribe Method: The Best Way to Write and Publish Your Non-Fiction Book

2019 • 1 Reader • 480 pages

10 Rules of Writing

10 Rules of Writing
ByElmore Leonard

2006 • 1 Reader • 57 pages 3

Bird By Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life

1994 • 372 Readers • 270 pages 4.2

Samtalens tynne tråd. Skriveerfaringer

2003 • 1 Reader • 300 pages 3

On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

1999 • 871 Readers • 288 pages 4.3

Texte zur Theorie der Autorschaft

Texte zur Theorie der Autorschaft
ByFotis Jannidis(Hrsg. u. Komm.),Gerhard Lauer(Hrsg. u. Komm.)

2000 • 1 Reader • 316 pages

The Fire Within

#1 of 5 in The Last Dragon Chronicles

The Fire Within
ByChris d'Lacey

2001 • 53 Readers • 282 pages 3.9

Six Characters in Search of an Author

Six Characters in Search of an Author
ByLuigi Pirandello,Edward Storer(Translator)

1921 • 37 Readers • 67 pages 3.4

Prochain épisode

Prochain épisode
ByHubert Aquin

1965 • 1 Reader • 289 pages 3

Chicken Soup for the Writer's Soul: Stories to Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit of Writers

1999 • 1 Reader • 406 pages 4

Write Your Own Myth

Write Your Own Myth
ByNatalie M. Rosinsky

2007 • 1 Reader 2

Seven Drafts: Self-Edit Like a Pro from Blank Page to Book

2021 • 2 Readers • 342 pages 5

This Thing Called Literature: Reading, Thinking, Writing

2014 • 168 pages

Write Your Own Story

Write Your Own Story
ByVivian Dubrovin

1984 • 57 pages

The Science of Storytelling: Why Stories Make Us Human, and How to Tell Them Better

2019 • 50 Readers • 297 pages 4.1

The INFJ Writer: Cracking the Creative Genius of the World's Rarest Type

2016 • 4 Readers • 209 pages

Ready, Set, Memoir! : The Essential Guide to Telling Your Story

2021 • 1 Reader • 136 pages

The Book of Story Beginnings

The Book of Story Beginnings
ByKristin Kladstrup

2006 • 4 Readers • 360 pages 4.7

The Practical Writer: From Inspiration to Publication

2004 • 366 pages

A Book Takes Root: The Making of a Picture Book

1993 • 48 pages

Anybody Can Write: A Playful Approach

1999 • 1 Reader • 212 pages

Kermit and Robin's scary story

Viking Easy-to-Read

Kermit and Robin's scary story
ByMichael A. Muntean

1995 • 30 pages

Success... and How to Avoid It

2004 • 1 Reader • 200 pages

Escribamos cuentos

Escribamos cuentos
ByJose A. Carbonell,Carlos A. Duenas,+3 more

2008 • 120 pages

The Writer's Book Of Wisdom: 101 Rules For Mastering Your Craft

2004 • 224 pages

Luova mieli : kirjoittamisen vimma ja vastus

2002 • 1 Reader • 162 pages

Building Better Plots

Building Better Plots
ByRobert Kernen

1999 • 1 Reader 4

Lessons from a Lifetime of Writing: A Novelist Looks at His Craft

2002 • 1 Reader • 256 pages

La parte inventada

#1 of 2 in Trilogía las partes

La parte inventada
ByRodrigo Fresán

2014 • 1 Reader • 566 pages

If You Want to Write

If You Want to Write
ByBrenda Ueland

1987 • 4 Readers • 179 pages 4.5