
English poetry

The Poems of Wilfred Owen

1918 • 2 Readers • 116 pages

Collected Poems

Collected Poems
ByPhilip Larkin,Anthony Thwaite

2003 • 218 pages

Four Quartets

#1 of 1 in Four Quartets

Four Quartets
ByT.S. Eliot

1943 • 43 Readers • 68 pages 4.2

The North Ship

The North Ship
ByPhilip Larkin

1945 • 3 Readers • 56 pages 3.8

R.S. Thomas

#7 of 1 in Everyman Poetry Library

R.S. Thomas
ByR.S. Thomas

1996 • 1 Reader • 116 pages

Gold Light Shining

Gold Light Shining
ByBebe Ashley

2020 • 1 Reader • 60 pages

A quiet pint in Kinvara

A quiet pint in Kinvara
ByRichard Tillinghast

1991 • 1 Reader • 19 pages

Rivers Wanted

Rivers Wanted
ByRachel Piercey

2014 • 1 Reader • 28 pages

Eight Metaphysical Poets

1961 • 1 Reader • 196 pages 4

Selected Poetry

Selected Poetry
ByWilliam Blake

1994 • 1 Reader • 340 pages

District and Circle

District and Circle
BySeamus Heaney

2006 • 1 Reader • 76 pages

The Complete Works of Robert Browning Volume VI: With Variant Readings & Annotations

#6 of 1 in The Complete Works of Robert Browning

1949 • 8 Readers • 512 pages 5

Robert Browning

Robert Browning
ByRobert Browning,Daniel Karlin,+1 more

1981 • 1,191 pages

Queering the Green: Post-2000 Queer Irish Poetry

Queering the Green: Post-2000 Queer Irish Poetry
ByPaul Maddern(Editor),Kevin Breathnach(Contributor)

2021 • 1 Reader • 423 pages

Washing Windows Too: Irish Women Write Poetry

Washing Windows Too: Irish Women Write Poetry
ByAlan Hayes(Editor),Nuala O'Connor(Editor)

2022 • 1 Reader

Mental Fight

Mental Fight
ByBen Okri

1999 • 2 Readers • 96 pages 3

Bang Said the Gun - Mud Wrestling with Words

2013 • 1 Reader • 138 pages

Eugene Onegin

Eugene Onegin
ByAlexander Pushkin

1825 • 160 Readers • 408 pages 4

Poems, 1968-1998

Poems, 1968-1998
ByPaul Muldoon

2001 • 1 Reader • 479 pages

The 1916 poets

The 1916 poets
ByDesmond Ryan,Pádraic Pearse,+2 more

1963 • 1 Reader • 179 pages

Up the line to death: The war poets, 1914-1918 : an anthology

1964 • 188 pages

The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language

1861 • 1 Reader • 348 pages

Talk About Poetry: Conversations on the Art

2006 • 1 Reader

Some Integrity

Some Integrity
ByPadraig Regan

2022 • 1 Reader • 88 pages

A Book of Nonsense

A Book of Nonsense
ByMervyn Peake

1972 • 3 Readers • 92 pages 5

What Girls Do in the Dark

2020 • 80 pages

English Romanticism: The grounds of belief

1983 • 1 Reader • 195 pages

The Dark Tower

The Dark Tower
ByDairine Coffey(Editor)

1967 • 1 Reader • 169 pages 3

Poems of Solitude

Poems of Solitude
ByEmily Brontë

2004 • 1 Reader • 83 pages

The Essential Blake

The Essential Blake

1987 • 92 pages


ByR.D. Laing

1970 • 8 Readers • 90 pages 4


BySasha Dugdale

2017 • 1 Reader • 61 pages


ByChrissy Williams

2017 • 1 Reader • 63 pages

The Complete Poems

The Complete Poems
ByPhilip Larkin

2012 • 4 Readers • 729 pages

The River

The River
ByJane Clarke

2015 • 1 Reader • 63 pages

London Undercurrents

London Undercurrents
ByJoolz Sparkes,Hilaire

2019 • 1 Reader • 154 pages

The Forward Book of Poetry 2018

2017 • 155 pages

Adventures in Form

Adventures in Form
ByHannah Silva

2012 • 1 Reader • 200 pages

Eighteenth-Century Poetry

1996 • 1 Reader • 96 pages

Gallery • Poets Past and Present

Gallery • Poets Past and Present
ByJohn Blackburn(Selected by)

1980 • 1 Reader • 266 pages

A Choice of Poets: An Anthology of Poets from Wordsworth to the Present Day

1968 • 1 Reader • 318 pages

Family Values

Family Values
ByWendy Cope

2011 • 1 Reader • 66 pages 3.5

Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey

1798 • 2 Readers • 20 pages


Poetry for Young People

ByAlfred Tennyson

1833 • 10 Readers • 256 pages 3.5

Happy Hour

Happy Hour
ByAndrew Jamison

2012 • 1 Reader • 59 pages



2014 • 1 Reader • 95 pages

Being Human: the companion anthology to Staying Alive and Being Alive

2011 • 1 Reader • 512 pages

Anecdotal Evidence

Anecdotal Evidence
ByWendy Cope

2018 • 4 Readers • 80 pages 4.5

You Took the Last Bus Home

2016 • 2 Readers • 256 pages 4.5

The Waste Land

The Waste Land
ByT.S. Eliot

1922 • 128 Readers • 28 pages 4

The Dublin Book of Irish Verse, 1728-1909

1971 • 1 Reader • 803 pages

Undying: A Love Story

Undying: A Love Story
ByMichel Faber

2016 • 2 Readers • 144 pages

Milk Snake

Milk Snake
ByToby Buckley

2022 • 1 Reader • 36 pages

Who Seemed Alive & Altogether Real

Who Seemed Alive & Altogether Real
ByPadraig Regan,Emma Wright

2017 • 1 Reader

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam and Other Persian Poems

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam and Other Persian Poems
ByOmar Khayyám(Contributor),A.J. Arberry(Editor)

1972 • 239 pages

Selected Poems

Selected Poems
BySophie Hannah

2006 • 1 Reader • 165 pages

The Near and Distant God

2008 • 1 Reader • 194 pages

New Selected Poems

New Selected Poems
ByTom Paulin

2014 • 1 Reader

So Many Rooms

So Many Rooms
ByLaura Scott

2019 • 72 pages

The Waste Land And Other Poems

1922 • 15 Readers • 96 pages 3.6

Death Magazine

Death Magazine
ByMatthew Haigh



ByLachlan MacKinnon

2017 • 1 Reader • 80 pages

Favourite Verse

Favourite Verse
ByChristopher Hurford

1994 • 564 pages

Selected Cautionary Verses

1950 • 1 Reader • 184 pages 3


ByJack Underwood

2015 • 2 Readers • 54 pages

Poetry of the Thirties

Poetry of the Thirties
ByRobin Skelton(Editor, Introduction)

1964 • 1 Reader • 304 pages

The Kalevala

The Kalevala
ByElias Lönnrot,Eino Friberg(Translator)

1835 • 1 Reader • 450 pages 5

Wordsworth: Poetical Works. With Introduction and Notes.

Poetry for Young People

1866 • 19 Readers • 779 pages 2.8

Collected Poems

Collected Poems
ByMichael Longley

2006 • 1 Reader • 368 pages

Selected Poems

Selected Poems
BySiegfried Sassoon

1968 • 1 Reader • 93 pages 3


ByMichael Pedersen

2017 • 1 Reader • 120 pages

The Ancient Mariner

The Ancient Mariner
BySamuel Taylor Coleridge

1792 • 81 Readers • 128 pages 3.9

After the Formalities

After the Formalities
ByAnthony Anaxagorou

2019 • 3 Readers

Women Romantic Poets 1785-1832: An Anthology

1988 • 1 Reader • 182 pages

The Chosen Garden

The Chosen Garden
ByMichael O'Siadhail

1990 • 1 Reader • 93 pages

All Pam's poems

All Pam's poems
ByPam Ayres

1978 • 143 pages

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence
ByEavan Boland

2007 • 1 Reader • 56 pages

After the merrymaking

After the merrymaking
ByRoger McGough

1971 • 1 Reader • 71 pages 5

Where I'd Watch Plastic Trees Not Grow

2021 • 1 Reader • 32 pages 5

Selected Poems

Selected Poems
ByWilliam Blake

1994 • 4 Readers • 148 pages 4.5

Poems I Like: An Anthology

1983 • 1 Reader • 156 pages 4

The Fourth Sister

The Fourth Sister
ByLaura Scott

2023 • 96 pages

El fantasma de Canterville y otros cuentos

2000 • 3 Readers • 204 pages 4


ByTed Hughes

1977 • 1 Reader • 200 pages

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders Fields
ByBrian Busby

2005 • 1 Reader • 192 pages

The Saltstone

The Saltstone
ByJohn Gurney

1971 • 12 pages

Five Great English Romantic Poets

Five Great English Romantic Poets
BySamuel Taylor Coleridge,Percy Bysshe Shelley,+3 more

1993 • 1 Reader • 496 pages

Poems from Different Cultures and Traditions

2003 • 1 Reader • 104 pages