
Soviet Union

Life and Fate

#2 of 2 in Stalingrad

Life and Fate
ByVasily Grossman

1960 • 105 Readers • 884 pages 4.3

The Shortest History of the Soviet Union

2022 • 7 Readers • 256 pages 4


ByAntony Beevor,Artemis Cooper

1998 • 86 Readers • 560 pages 4.3

Ленин: Пантократор солнечных пылинок

2017 • 2 Readers • 781 pages 4

Lenin heeft echt bestaan

Lenin heeft echt bestaan
ByKarel van het Reve

1972 • 164 pages

Архiви КГБ

Архiви КГБ
ByОлексій Мустафін

2021 • 256 pages

Na wschód od Arbatu

1972 • 1 Reader • 134 pages 4

Absolute War Soviet Russia in the Second World War

2007 • 1 Reader • 814 pages 4

The Lost Khrushchev: A Journey into the Gulag of the Russian Mind

2014 • 1 Reader • 324 pages

The Snow Storm

The Snow Storm
ByAlexander Pushkin

1983 • 1 Reader • 40 pages 4

Barbarossa: And the Bloodiest War in History

2021 • 1 Reader • 416 pages

Angriff The German Attack On Stalingrad In Photos

2008 • 1 Reader • 361 pages 5

La Mort de Staline

#1 of 2 in La mort de Staline

La Mort de Staline
ByFabien Nury

2010 • 1 Reader • 144 pages 3

Намедни. Наша эра. 1981-1990

2 Намедни. Наша эра

Намедни. Наша эра. 1981-1990
ByЛеонид Парфёнов

2010 • 2 Readers • 269 pages 4

Slaughterhouse: The Encyclopedia Of The Eastern Front.

2002 • 1 Reader • 512 pages

Liberals in the Russian Revolution: The Constitutional Democratic Party, 1917-1921

1974 • 1 Reader • 534 pages

Year One of the Russian Revolution

Year One of the Russian Revolution
ByVictor Serge,Peter Sedgwick(Translator)

1930 • 2 Readers

Children of the Arbat

#1 of 1 in Arbat Tetralogy

Children of the Arbat
ByAnatoli Rybakov,Harold Shukman(Translator)

1987 • 8 Readers • 704 pages

The Silver Dove

The Silver Dove
ByAndrei Bely,George Reavey(Translator)

1909 • 2 Readers • 478 pages 5

Unknown Revolution

1947 • 2 Readers • 716 pages

The Trial

The Trial
ByFranz Kafka,Willa Muir(Translator),+1 more

1925 • 876 Readers • 255 pages 4

Doctor Zhivago

Doctor Zhivago
ByBoris Pasternak,Max Hayward(Translator),+1 more

1957 • 260 Readers • 594 pages 3.4