

A Mural for Mamita / Un Mural Para Mamita

A Mural for Mamita / Un Mural Para Mamita
ByAlesia Alexander-Greene,Susana Lara(Translator)


Protoceratops : Dinosaurs Series

1990 • 40 pages

David Copperfield

David Copperfield
ByCharles Dickens

1849 • 499 Readers • 68 pages 4

The Serpent's Shadow

#3 of 3 in The Kane Chronicles

The Serpent's Shadow
ByRick Riordan

2012 • 306 Readers • 448 pages 4

Skyworld Woman: LA Mujer Del Mundo-Cielo

Skyworld Woman: LA Mujer Del Mundo-Cielo
ByHarriet Rohmer,Roger I. Reyes,+1 more

1975 • 21 pages

A Cheese-Colored Camper

#16 of 81 in Geronimo Stilton

A Cheese-Colored Camper
ByGeronimo Stilton

2000 • 9 Readers • 111 pages 3.5

Split Second

#1 of 6 in Sean King & Michelle Maxwell

Split Second
ByDavid Baldacci

1979 • 72 Readers • 544 pages 3.6

Dias de C??o

Dias de C??o
By_,Carol Cox


Una Semana de Siete Lunes

2016 • 1 Reader • 480 pages

A Es Para Decir Américas

A Es Para Decir Américas
ByCynthia Chin-Lee,Terri de la Peña

1999 • 32 pages

Kid's Life Application Bible NLT

1994 • 1 Reader 5

The Mouse and the Motorcycle

#1 of 3 in Ralph S. Mouse

1923 • 83 Readers • 180 pages 3.9

Los pasos perdidos

Los pasos perdidos
ByAlejo Carpentier

1953 • 6 Readers • 248 pages 4

Our endangered planet.

Our endangered planet.
BySuzanne Winckler,Mary M. Rodgers

1993 • 76 pages

Paper Towns

Paper Towns
ByJohn Green

2008 • 878 Readers 3.6

No Country for Old Men

No Country for Old Men
ByCormac McCarthy

2005 • 598 Readers • 309 pages 4.1

The Invisible Man

The Invisible Man
ByH. G. Wells

1897 • 571 Readers • 216 pages 3.5

The Bremen Town Musicians: A Retelling of the Grimm's Fairy Tale

2004 • 2 Readers • 18 pages

The streets are free

1981 • 50 pages

La sangre del Autor

#5 of 2 in The Wormling

La sangre del Autor
ByJerry B. Jenkins,Chris Fabry

2008 • 375 pages

Celebra el Cinco de Mayo con un jarabe tapatio

2006 • 31 pages

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

#2 of 8 in Harry Potter

1998 • 4,198 Readers • 332 pages 4.2

If you give a moose a muffin

#2 of 8 in If You Give...

If you give a moose a muffin
ByLaura Joffe Numeroff

1991 • 22 Readers • 32 pages 4.1

Love in the Time of Cholera

Love in the Time of Cholera
ByGabriel García Márquez,Edith Grossman(Translator)

1985 • 644 Readers 3.7


ByRobert Kraus,José Aruego

1971 • 3 Readers • 28 pages 3

Tiempo de calabazas!

2000 • 40 pages

Mao tou ying wa wa

Mao tou ying wa wa
ByMartin Waddell,East Word,+1 more

1992 • 5 Readers • 32 pages 4


ByDorothy Chlad

1982 • 31 pages

The Knight at Dawn

#2 of 39 in Magic Tree House

The Knight at Dawn
ByMary Pope Osborne

1993 • 49 Readers • 82 pages 4

Gulliver's Travels

Gulliver's Travels
ByJonathan Swift

198 • 450 Readers • 462 pages 3.4

Betsy Ross

Grandes Personajes en la Historia de los Estados Unidos

Betsy Ross
ByJennifer Silate

2003 • 32 pages

Paul Revere

Grandes Personajes en la Historia de los Estados Unidos

Paul Revere
ByRose McCarthy

2003 • 38 pages

Harry the Dirty Dog

Harry the Dog

Harry the Dirty Dog
ByGene Zion,Margaret Bloy Graham

1956 • 20 Readers • 36 pages 3.9

The lizard and the sun

The lizard and the sun
ByAlma Flor Ada

1997 • 40 pages

El burlador de Sevilla

El burlador de Sevilla
ByTirso de Molina

1616 • 1 Reader • 222 pages 4

Rosie's walk

#1 of 1 in Rosie

Rosie's walk
ByPat Hutchins

1968 • 4 Readers • 36 pages 4


Isaac Asimov's New Library of the Universe

ByIsaac Asimov

1967 • 32 pages

Benjamín Franklin

Benjamín Franklin
ByMaya Glass,Tomás González

2003 • 40 pages

Celebrate Children's Day/book day =

2008 • 46 pages


#1 of 3 in The Nyxia Triad

ByScott Reintgen

2017 • 53 Readers • 384 pages 3.6

The Outsiders

The Outsiders
ByS.E. Hinton

1967 • 1,081 Readers • 6 pages 3.9

The Hunger Games

#1 of 3 in The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games
BySuzanne Collins

2008 • 4,202 Readers • 384 pages 4.1


#2 of 3 in Divergent

ByVeronica Roth

2011 • 1,107 Readers • 544 pages 3.6

Kiki Kokí: La Leyenda Encantada del Coquí

2010 • 1 Reader • 42 pages 5


ByLeo Lionni

1963 • 7 Readers • 36 pages 3.4


#1 of 6 in The Twilight Saga

ByStephenie Meyer

2005 • 9 Readers • 480 pages 2.8

My Steps

My Steps
BySally Derby Miller

1996 • 36 pages

If You Give a Pig a Pancake

8 If You Give...

If You Give a Pig a Pancake
ByFelicia Bond,Laura Joffe Numeroff

1998 • 26 Readers • 38 pages 4.1

El mapa del cielo

#2 of 3 in Trilogía Victoriana

El mapa del cielo
ByFélix J. Palma

2012 • 3 Readers • 740 pages 3

Sir Francis Drake

Discover the Life of An Explorer

Sir Francis Drake
ByTrish Kline

2001 • 24 pages

Don Chisciotte della Mancia

1965 • 1 Reader • 146 pages 1

The Hobbit

#0 of 4 in Middle Earth

The Hobbit
ByJ.R.R. Tolkien

1937 • 2 Readers • 400 pages 3

The Heir

#4 of 5 in The Selection

The Heir
ByKiera Cass

2015 • 232 Readers • 342 pages 3.4

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

#1 of 4 in Adventures of Tom and Huck

1876 • 968 Readers • 400 pages 3.6

The Emperor's New Clothes

The Emperor's New Clothes
ByHans Christian Andersen

1837 • 13 Readers • 36 pages 3.7

Captain Cheech

Captain Cheech
ByCheech Marin


Little Polar Bear.

Kleine IJsbeer

Little Polar Bear.
ByHans de Beer



ByPatricia Whitehouse

2002 • 28 pages

What's Inside Me?

Bookworms: My Body

What's Inside Me?
ByDana Meachen Rau,Routledge

2004 • 38 pages

Welcome To Dead House

#1 of 62 in Goosebumps

1992 • 13 Readers • 148 pages 3.9

Los de abajo

Los de abajo
ByMariano Azuela

1915 • 15 Readers • 24 pages 2.6

Ο Λιτούμα στις Άνδεις

Ο Λιτούμα στις Άνδεις
ByMario Vargas Llosa,Σάρα Μπενβενίστε(Translator)

1993 • 1 Reader • 325 pages 4

The Secret Garden

#1 of 2 in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

The Secret Garden
ByFrances Hodgson Burnett

1865 • 979 Readers • 288 pages 4

Floating on Mama's song =

2009 • 1 Reader • 38 pages

Get That Pest!

Get That Pest!
ByErin Douglas

2000 • 28 pages

My brain

Bookworms: My Body

My brain
ByDana Meachen Rau

2004 • 31 pages

El sombrero de tres picos

El sombrero de tres picos
ByPedro Antonio de Alarcón

1874 • 1 Reader • 173 pages 4

The Hobbit

Middle-earth Legendarium

The Hobbit
ByJ.R.R. Tolkien

1937 • 4,160 Readers • 10h 24m 4.3

Prince Caspian

#4 of 7 in The Chronicles of Narnia (Chronological Order)

Prince Caspian
ByC. S. Lewis

1950 • 726 Readers • 251 pages 3.8

Nathan Hale: heroe de la guerra de independencia

Grandes Personajes en la Historia de los Estados Unidos

2003 • 36 pages

Shalimar the Clown

Shalimar the Clown
BySalman Rushdie

2005 • 20 Readers • 523 pages 3.8

Flat Stanley

#1 of 4 in Flat Stanley

Flat Stanley
ByJeff Brown

1964 • 5 Readers • 112 pages 4.3

Caballo de Troya 4

#4 of 10 in Caballo de Troya

Caballo de Troya 4
ByJ.J. Benítez

1989 • 3 Readers • 446 pages 3

My House: A Book in Two Languages / Mi casa: Un libro en dos lenguas

My World

1990 • 25 pages

Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear?

#2 of 4 in Bill Martin's Bears

1991 • 13 Readers • 36 pages 3.9

Mil veces hasta siempre

2017 • 8 Readers • 304 pages 3.5

Kobe Bryant

Kobe Bryant
ByRob Kirkpatrick

2000 • 34 pages

The Kingdom of the Golden Dragon

#2 of 2 in Memories of the Eagle and the Jaguar

2003 • 15 Readers • 468 pages 4.3

Cuentos completos I

#1 of 2 in The Complete Stories

Cuentos completos I
ByIsaac Asimov,Carlos Gardini(Translator)

1990 • 2 Readers • 816 pages 4

Amos & Boris

Amos & Boris
ByWilliam Steig

1971 • 36 pages

Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday


1978 • 3 Readers • 32 pages 4.5

The house of the spirits

#3 of 3 in Involuntary trilogy

The house of the spirits
ByIsabel Allende

1982 • 82 Readers • 562 pages 4

Wizard of Oz.

#1 of 14 in Oz

Wizard of Oz.
ByL. Frank Baum,Ella Okstad,+28 more

1900 • 499 Readers • 160 pages 3.8

Les Quatre filles du docteur March

#1 of 3 in Little Women

Les Quatre filles du docteur March
ByLouisa May Alcott,Paulette Vielhomme-Callais(Translator)

1868 • 5 Readers • 145 pages 3.8

Abigail Adams ~ Destacada Primera Dama / Famous First Lady

Grandes Personajes en la Historia de los Estados Unidos

2003 • 36 pages

Forest of the Pygmies

#3 of 3 in Las memorias del Águila y del Jaguar

Forest of the Pygmies
ByIsabel Allende

2004 • 18 Readers • 314 pages 3


ByPaulo Coelho,Montserrat Mira(Translator)

1990 • 60 Readers • 280 pages 3.2

Dark Assassin

#15 of 19 in William Monk

Dark Assassin
ByAnne Perry

2005 • 1 Reader • 354 pages 4

Poems of William Blake

Poems of William Blake
ByWilliam Blake

1893 • 8 Readers • 277 pages 3.3

Spot Va a la Escuela

Spot the Dog

1984 • 20 pages

His Dark Materials, Band 1: Der Goldene Kompass

#1 of 3 in His Dark Materials

His Dark Materials, Band 1: Der Goldene Kompass
ByPhilip Pullman,Wolfram Ströle(Translator),+1 more

1995 • 5 Readers • 17 pages 4.5

La mirada del otro

La mirada del otro
ByFernando Delgado

1995 • 1 Reader • 298 pages 4

El camino del carácter

2015 • 1 Reader • 340 pages

Escrito en el agua

Escrito en el agua
ByPaula Hawkins,Aleix Montoto(Translator)

2013 • 10 Readers • 560 pages 3.2


ByAndy Weir

2015 • 1,399 Readers • 305 pages 3.6

Mostly Ghostly

Mostly Ghostly
BySteven Zorn(Adapted by),John Bradley(Illustrator)

1991 • 1 Reader • 64 pages

The Book of Sand

The Book of Sand
ByJorge Luis Borges,Norman Thomas di Giovanni(translator)

1975 • 3 Readers • 186 pages 3

Porque te quiero tanto

Porque te quiero tanto
ByGuido Van Genechten

2003 • 1 Reader • 25 pages