
Technology & Engineering

Pahl/Beitz Konstruktionslehre: Methoden und Anwendung erfolgreicher Produktentwicklung

2013 • 1 Reader • 883 pages

Tesla vs Edison: The Life-Long Feud that Electrified the World

2016 • 1 Reader • 192 pages

Safer Healthcare Strategies for the Real World

Safer Healthcare Strategies for the Real World
ByCharles Vincent,René Amalberti

2016 • 432 pages

101 Things I Learned in Engineering School

101 Things I Learned

101 Things I Learned in Engineering School
ByJohn Kuprenas,Matthew Frederick

2013 • 6 Readers • 216 pages 3.5

Make: Drones: Teach an Arduino to Fly

2016 • 320 pages

How to Go Plastic Free: Eco Tips for Busy People

2019 • 1 Reader • 128 pages

Optical Waves in Crystals: Propagation and Control of Laser Radiation

1983 • 1 Reader • 604 pages

Dam Failure Mechanisms and Risk Assessment

Dam Failure Mechanisms and Risk Assessment
ByLimin Zhang,Dongsheng Chang,+1 more

2014 • 496 pages

Self-Organizing Robots

Self-Organizing Robots
BySatoshi Murata,Haruhisa Kurokawa,+1 more

2012 • 1 Reader • 263 pages 4

Bodyspace: Anthropometry, Ergonomics and the Design of Work

Bodyspace: Anthropometry, Ergonomics and the Design of Work
ByStephen Pheasant,Christine M. Haslegrave

1986 • 362 pages

Introduction to Superfluidity: Field-theoretical Approach and Applications

2014 • 1 Reader • 163 pages

The Cold War: A Military History

1999 • 601 pages

The Staff Engineer's Path

2022 • 50 Readers • 305 pages 4

The Semantic Turn

The Semantic Turn
ByKlaus H. Krippendorff

2005 • 1 Reader • 368 pages

Power System Dynamic Modelling and Analysis in Evolving Networks

2024 • 1 Reader

The Technological Republic

The Technological Republic
ByAlexander C.Karp,Nicholas W.Zamiska

2025 • 1 Reader

Superconductivity: Physics and Applications

Superconductivity: Physics and Applications
ByKristian Fossheim,Asle Sudboe

2004 • 1 Reader • 448 pages

The Digital Environment: How We Live, Learn, Work, and Play Now

The Digital Environment: How We Live, Learn, Work, and Play Now
ByPablo J. Boczkowski,Eugenia Mitchelstein

2021 • 1 Reader • 209 pages

Sulle mappe: Il mondo come lo disegniamo

2012 • 2 Readers • 498 pages

Utopia Is Creepy: And Other Provocations

2016 • 9 Readers • 320 pages 3

Soils: Genesis and Geomorphology

Soils: Genesis and Geomorphology
ByRandall J. Schaetzl,Sharon Anderson

2005 • 840 pages

Tower Dog: Life Inside the Deadliest Job in America

2017 • 1 Reader • 305 pages

Perspectives on Uncertainty and Risk The PRIMA Approach to Decision Support

#2 of 3 in Dundonay House

1952 • 1 Reader • 436 pages 4

The Psychology of Human-Computer Interaction

The Psychology of Human-Computer Interaction
ByStuart Card,Thomas P. Moran,+1 more

1986 • 488 pages

Practical Electronics for Inventors, Fourth Edition

1998 • 2 Readers • 1,056 pages

The Doctor's Garden: Medicine, Science, and Horticulture in Britain

2021 • 1 Reader • 287 pages

Unified Optical Scanning Technology

2001 • 200 pages

Emergence in Condensed Matter and Quantum Gravity: A Nontechnical Review

2022 • 2 Readers • 104 pages 3

The Coevolution: The Entwined Futures of Humans and Machines

2020 • 1 Reader • 385 pages

Stream hydrology

Stream hydrology
ByNancy D. Gordon,Thomas A. McMahon,+1 more

1994 • 542 pages

History of Nonlinear Oscillations Theory in France

2017 • 1 Reader • 381 pages

Technische Mechanik 1: Statik

Technische Mechanik 1: Statik
ByDietmar Gross,Werner Hauger,+2 more

1982 • 1 Reader • 302 pages

Illustrated History of Arms and Armour

1988 • 1 Reader • 384 pages 2

Air and Gas Drilling Manual

Air and Gas Drilling Manual
ByWilliam C. Lyons,Phil Johnson

1984 • 750 pages

Patterns of Problem Solving

Patterns of Problem Solving
ByMoshe F. Rubinstein,Iris R. Firstenberg

1974 • 500 pages

Algorithms of Resistance: The Everyday Fight against Platform Power

2024 • 1 Reader • 257 pages

Electronics fundamentals

Electronics fundamentals
ByThomas L. Floyd

1983 • 1,031 pages

The Secret Garden

The Secret Garden
ByFrances Hodgson Burnett

1910 • 1 Reader • 281 pages

Structure-Borne Sound: Structural Vibrations and Sound Radiation at Audio Frequencies

1967 • 1 Reader • 608 pages

Chaotic Harmony: A Dialog about Physics, Complexity and Life

2014 • 1 Reader • 278 pages

Turing Machine Universality of the Game of Life

2015 • 1 Reader • 177 pages

Sound, Structures, and Their Interaction

Sound, Structures, and Their Interaction
ByMiguel C. Junger,David Feit

1986 • 1 Reader • 448 pages

Vademecum per disegnatori e tecnici

2010 • 1 Reader • 1,206 pages

Handbook of Material Weathering

2002 • 810 pages


BySusan MacDonald(editor)

2002 • 309 pages

Risk assessment of power systems

2004 • 345 pages

Transport phenomena and unit operations

2002 • 464 pages

The X-15 Rocket Plane: Flying the First Wings into Space

2013 • 1 Reader • 480 pages 1

Sustainable Urban Metabolism

Sustainable Urban Metabolism
ByPaulo Ferrão,John E. Fernández

2013 • 1 Reader • 259 pages

Space People from A-Z

Space People from A-Z
ByRay Spangenburg,Diane Moser

1990 • 100 pages

Environmental fluid mechanics

2001 • 752 pages

Ace the Technical Pilot Interview

2002 • 369 pages

Heuristic Reasoning

Heuristic Reasoning
ByEmiliano Ippoliti(editor)

2014 • 1 Reader • 191 pages


ByJames Burke

1978 • 15 Readers • 304 pages 3.6

Electronic Properties of Materials

1985 • 1 Reader • 464 pages 4

La casa de papel. Escape book

2017 • 1 Reader • 208 pages

Apollo and the Moon Landing

1991 • 118 pages

Animatronics : A Guide to Animated Holiday Displays

2000 • 1 Reader • 273 pages 4

My Own Herb Garden

My Own Herb Garden
ByAllan A. Swenson

1976 • 68 pages

Los tesoros de la Saga Crepúsculo

2012 • 1 Reader • 160 pages

Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future

2015 • 464 Readers • 400 pages 4.1

Chemicals We Eat and Drink

Chemicals We Eat and Drink
ByAlvin Silverstein

1973 • 112 pages

Backyard Chickens' Guide to Coops and Tractors: Planning, Building, and Real-Life Advice

2011 • 1 Reader • 192 pages

Technical Writing For Dummies

Technical Writing For Dummies
BySheryl Lindsell-Roberts

2001 • 1 Reader • 341 pages

Electric Vehicle Technology Explained

Electric Vehicle Technology Explained
ByJames Larminie,John Lowry

2003 • 314 pages

Costruzione di Macchine

Costruzione di Macchine
ByAntonio Strozzi

1998 • 1 Reader • 938 pages

Hotspot Networks

Hotspot Networks
ByDaniel Minoli

2002 • 450 pages

Right/Wrong: How Technology Transforms Our Ethics

2020 • 2 Readers • 299 pages

Introduction To Hydraulics & Hydrology

2001 • 509 pages

46 Science Fair Projects for the Evil Genius

2008 • 183 pages

The Soul of a New Machine

1981 • 138 Readers • 293 pages 4.1


ByJ. D. Salinger

1953 • 56 pages


ByR. F. Kuang

2023 • 1,936 Readers • 336 pages 3.9

System Reliability Theory: Models, Statistical Methods, and Applications

2003 • 668 pages

Faceted Search

Faceted Search
ByDaniel Tunkelang

2009 • 1 Reader • 96 pages 5

Install Your Own Solar Panels: Designing and Installing a Photovoltaic System to Power Your Home

2017 • 1 Reader • 201 pages

Непостоянные величины

2018 • 1 Reader • 174 pages 1

Labor and the Locavore: The Making of a Comprehensive Food Ethic

2013 • 1 Reader • 239 pages

The Vandana Shiva Reader

Culture of the Land

2014 • 1 Reader • 364 pages

Yo soy Drácula: La vida de Bela Lugosi

2014 • 1 Reader • 248 pages

All about Garbage Collectors

2022 • 1 Reader • 32 pages 3

Keine Panik vor Regelungstechnik!: Erfolg und Spaß im Mystery-Fach des Ingenieurstudiums

2012 • 1 Reader • 313 pages