

I Will Make You Disappear

I Will Make You Disappear
ByCarol Beach York

1974 • 2 Readers • 128 pages 3

Scotland's Wicked Witches

Scotland's Wicked Witches
ByCharles Sinclair

2011 • 1 Reader • 88 pages

The Bermuda Triangle

Great Mysteries: Opposing Viewpoints

The Bermuda Triangle
ByNorma Gaffron

1987 • 96 pages

Witchcraft: The Basics

The Basics

Witchcraft: The Basics
ByMarion Gibson

2018 • 1 Reader • 200 pages

Embracing the Moon: A Witch's Guide to Rituals, Spellcraft and Shadow Work

1998 • 1 Reader • 316 pages