Charles Darwin (1809-1882)

Charles Darwin (1809-1882) is a character in 0 books.

Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants

2013 • 534 Readers • 391 pages 4.6

The Origin of Species

The Origin of Species
ByCharles Darwin

1859 • 267 Readers • 439 pages 4.2

The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom

2005 • 173 Readers • 320 pages 4.3

The lost world

The lost world
ByArthur Conan Doyle

1900 • 130 Readers • 348 pages 3.8

The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe without Design

1986 • 111 Readers • 332 pages 4.1


ByOliver Sacks

2012 • 100 Readers 3.4

The Lost World

The Lost World
ByArthur Conan Doyle

1912 • 31 Readers • 192 pages 3.7

Adventures of Alexander Von Humboldt

2019 • 2 Readers • 272 pages

The Ancestor's Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Life

2004 • 2 Readers • 771 pages

Revolution in Science: How Galileo and Darwin Changed Our World

2009 • 1 Reader • 221 pages

One Beetle Too Many: The Extraordinary Adventures of Charles Darwin

2004 • 1 Reader • 48 pages 5

What Darwin Saw: The Journey That Changed the World

2009 • 1 Reader • 52 pages 4

Darwin: With Glimpses into His Private Journal and Letters

2009 • 1 Reader • 56 pages 3

Darwin, Evolution and Creation

1959 • 1 Reader • 231 pages

Ever Since Darwin: Reflections on Natural History

1977 • 1 Reader • 285 pages 4

A Grande História da Evolução: Na Trilha dos Nossos Ancestrais

2004 • 1 Reader • 759 pages

Die Botanik der Begierde. Vier Pflanzen betrachten die Welt.

2002 • 1 Reader • 375 pages

Charles Darwin: A Biography, Vol. 1

1995 • 1 Reader • 656 pages

Human Nature After Darwin

Human Nature After Darwin
ByJanet Radcliffe Richards

1999 • 1 Reader • 340 pages 2

Subjects of the World: Darwin's Rhetoric and the Study of Agency in Nature

2009 • 1 Reader • 272 pages

Evolution: Selected Letters, 1860-1870

2008 • 1 Reader • 336 pages

Origins of Genius: Darwinian Perspectives on Creativity

1999 • 1 Reader • 308 pages

The Ancestor's Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Life

2017 • 1 Reader

Confessing a Murder

Confessing a Murder
ByNicholas Drayson

2002 • 1 Reader • 280 pages

Evolutionary Writings: Including the Autobiographies

2008 • 1 Reader • 534 pages

Au-delà de Darwin: Pour une autre vision de la vie

2009 • 1 Reader • 312 pages

Built by animals

Built by animals
ByMike Hansell

2007 • 280 pages

Evolution: A Theory in Crisis

1985 • 368 pages


ByCharles Darwin

1908 • 582 pages

Mr. Darwin's Shooter: A Novel

1998 • 380 pages

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin
ByBrenda Clarke

1988 • 36 pages

The Darwin Conspiracy

The Darwin Conspiracy
ByJohn Darnton

2005 • 309 pages

Scientific Explorers: Travels in Search of Knowledge

1992 • 156 pages

Charles Darwin in Western Australia

1985 • 80 pages

In search of human nature

1991 • 413 pages

La tautología darwinista y otros ensayos de biología

2002 • 360 pages


ByCharles Darwin

1970 • 674 pages