Duncan Grant (1885-1978)

Duncan Grant (1885-1978) is a character in 0 books.

Release Year
Readers Count
Duncan Grant
Duncan Grant
  • Frances Spalding
19970 reads0
Duncan Grant and the Bloomsbury Group
Duncan Grant and the Bloomsbury Group
  • Douglas Blair Turnbaugh
19870 reads0
The Art of Bloomsbury: Roger Fry, Vanessa Bell, and Duncan Grant
The Art of Bloomsbury: Roger Fry, Vanessa Bell, and Duncan Grant
  • Richard Shone
19990 reads0
Charleston: A Bloomsbury House and Garden
Charleston: A Bloomsbury House and Garden
  • Quentin Bell
  • Virginia Nicholson
  • Alen MacWeeney
19970 reads0
Charleston: Past and Present
Charleston: Past and Present
  • Quentin Bell
19870 reads0