The Stranger - Albert Camus
- Matthew Ward (Translator)
| 1942 | 1,318 reads | 3.93 | |
| 2018 | 1,402 reads | 4.25 | |
| 2012 | 197 reads | 4.25 | |
| 2006 | 874 reads | 4.27 | |
The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories | 2001 | 167 reads | 4.35 | |
At the Mountains of Madness | 1931 | 169 reads | 3.78 | |
| 1 | 1,476 reads | 4.21 | |
| 1939 | 3 reads | 4.67 | |
Crimen y castigo, 1 - Fyodor Dostoevsky
- Fiódor Mijáilovich Dostoyevski
| 1866 | 0 reads | 0 | |
El Paraíso perdido - John Milton
- Abilio Echeverría (Translator)
| 1667 | 1 read | 3 | |
La pintora pelirroja vuelve a París | | 0 reads | 0 | |
| 2014 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Todas las cosas de nuestra vida - Hwang Sok-yong
- Luis Alfredo de los Frailes Álvaro (Translator)
| 2011 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Genio y ansiedad: Cómo los judíos cambiaron el mundo, 1847-1947 - Norman Lebrecht
- Alejandra Freund (Translator)
| 2022 | 1 read | 2 | |
| 1954 | 1,961 reads | 3.55 | |
La revolución cultural nazi | 2017 | 0 reads | 0 | |
| 1981 | 1 read | 0 | |
Los que se van y los que se quedan - Parinoush Saniee
- M. Dolores Torres Paris (Translator)
| 2018 | 1 read | 4 | |
El fantasma de Canterville y otros cuentos | 2000 | 3 reads | 4 | |
Filosofia / Philosphy: Una Guia Para Principiantes / a Guide for Beginners - Katherine C. Evans
- Jenny Teichman
| 1994 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Los hombres mojados no temen la lluvia | 2013 | 1 read | 3 | |
El caso de Charles Dexter Ward - H.P. Lovecraft
- José María Aroca (Translator)
| 1941 | 6 reads | 3.6 | |
Confesiones de una máscara - Yukio Mishima
- Rumi Sato (Translator)
- Carlos Rubio (Translator)
| 1949 | 3 reads | 4.33 | |
| 1972 | 0 reads | 0 | |
| 2018 | 1 read | 4 | |
Noches Blancas. El Pequeño héroe. Un Episodio Vergonzoso. - Fyodor Dostoevsky
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
| 2006 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Dos en una torre - Thomas Hardy
- Miguel Ángel Pérez Pérez (Translator)
| 1882 | 0 reads | 0 | |
El brazo marchito y otros relatos | 1888 | 0 reads | 0 | |
El poder del perro - Thomas Savage
- Eduardo Hojman (Translator)
| 1967 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Teoría de La Restauración | 1963 | 1 read | 1 | |
Helena de Esparta - Loreta Minutilli
- Ramón Buenaventura Sánchez-Paños (Translator)
| 2020 | 1 read | 5 | |
| 1965 | 0 reads | 0 | |
| 1939 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Los caminos de la libertad 1 | 1945 | 0 reads | 0 | |
| 1971 | 0 reads | 0 | |
El americano impasible - Graham Greene
- J.R. Wilcock (Translator)
| 1955 | 0 reads | 0 | |
La balada de Tom el Negro - Victor LaValle
- Pilar Ramírez Tello (Translator)
| 2016 | 0 reads | 0 | |
| -700 | 3 reads | 4 | |
| 1934 | 3 reads | 4 | |
Job - Dorothy Thompson (Translator)
- Joseph Roth
| 1930 | 3 reads | 3.5 | |
Al cerrar la puerta - B.A. Paris
- Pilar de la Peña Minguell (Translator)
| 2016 | 1 read | 4 | |
Seis personajes en busca de autor | 1921 | 0 reads | 0 | |
| 1972 | 1 read | 4 | |
El triunfo de la compasión | 2014 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Noche sagrada - Michael Connelly
- Javier Guerrero Gimeno (Translator)
| 2018 | 1 read | 4 | |
El lado oscuro del adiós - Michael Connelly
- Javier Guerrero Gimeno (Translator)
| 2016 | 1 read | 3 | |
El hombre y lo divino - María Zambrano
- Artur Guerra (Translator)
- Cristina Rodriguez (Translator)
| 1973 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Las ciudades de la Edad Media | 1925 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Arenas Movedizas / La hija de Rappaccini | 1996 | 1 read | 3 | |
| 1997 | 0 reads | 0 | |
| 1956 | 1 read | 4 | |
| 1869 | 7 reads | 4.58 | |
| 1906 | 1 read | 4 | |
Primer amor - Ivan Turgenev
- Alcaén Sánchez Sancha (Translator)
| 1860 | 1 read | 5 | |
La ballena de St Piran - John Ironmonger
- Mariano Antolín Rato (Translator)
| 2015 | 1 read | 2 | |
| 1843 | 4 reads | 3.75 | |
| 1847 | 69 reads | 3.72 | |
Los Mitos de Cthulhu - H.P. Lovecraft
- Lord Dunsany
- Henry Kuttner
- Robert Bloch
- August Derleth
- Ramsey Campbell
- Joan Perucho
- Ambrose Bierce
- Robert W. Chambers
- Arthur Machen
- Algernon Blackwood
- Frank Belknap Long
- Robert E. Howard
- Clark Ashton Smith
- Hazel Heald
| 1969 | 1 read | 1 | |
El corazón de las tinieblas - Joseph Conrad
- Sergio Pitol (Translator)
| 1899 | 7 reads | 2.93 | |
| 1891 | 1 read | 3 | |
Estoy en Puerto Marte sin Hilda | 1968 | 1 read | 5 | |
| 2017 | 0 reads | 0 | |
| 1878 | 230 reads | 3.29 | |
¿Puedes oírme? - Elena Varvello
- Xavier González Rovira (Translator)
| 2016 | 1 read | 3 | |
| 1957 | 1 read | 0 | |
| 1953 | 3 reads | 4.33 | |
| 1979 | 1 read | 0 | |
Los crímenes de la calle Morgue | 1841 | 3 reads | 3.67 | |
The Stranger - Albert Camus
- Matthew Ward (Translator)
| 1942 | 1,318 reads | 3.93 | |
I Am Malala - Malala Yousafzai
- Christina Lamb
| 2012 | 203 reads | 4.18 | |
The Master and Margarita - Mikhail Bulgakov
- Katherine Tiernan O'Connor (Translator)
- Diana Lewis Burgin (Translator)
| 1966 | 381 reads | 4.15 | |
The Master and Margarita - Mikhail Bulgakov
- Katherine Tiernan O'Connor (Translator)
- Diana Lewis Burgin (Translator)
| 1966 | 381 reads | 4.15 | |
Demons - Fyodor Dostoevsky
- Richard Pevear (Translator)
- Larissa Volokhonsky (Translator)
| 195 | 60 reads | 4.1 | |
Antología poética - Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
| 2017 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Demian: The Story of Emil Sinclair's Youth - Hermann Hesse
- Michael Roloff (Translator)
- Michael Lebeck (Translator)
| 1919 | 115 reads | 4.12 | |
Around the World in Eighty Days | 1872 | 304 reads | 3.65 | |
| 1994 | 0 reads | 0 | |
Demian: The Story of Emil Sinclair's Youth - Hermann Hesse
- Michael Roloff (Translator)
- Michael Lebeck (Translator)
| 1919 | 115 reads | 4.12 | |
Psicologia de La Memoria - Ambitos Aplicados | 2001 | 1 read | 4 | |
Atencion y Percepcion - Enric Munar
- Antonio Sanchez-Cabaco
- Jaume Rossello
| 2001 | 1 read | 4 | |
El Senor Presidente: Edicion Critica | 1946 | 9 reads | 3.93 | |
Ensayo sobre el cansancio - Peter Handke
- Eustaquio Barjau (Translator)
| 1989 | 1 read | 5 | |
Demian: The Story of Emil Sinclair's Youth - Hermann Hesse
- Michael Roloff (Translator)
- Michael Lebeck (Translator)
| 1919 | 115 reads | 4.12 | |
Introduccion a la mitología griega | 1992 | 0 reads | 0 | |
The Stranger - Albert Camus
- Matthew Ward (Translator)
| 1942 | 1,318 reads | 3.93 | |
| 1813 | 25 reads | 4.48 | |
Los jefes / Los cachorros | 1967 | 1 read | 2 | |
Paranoia y Neurosis obsesiva - Sigmund Freud
- Luis López-Ballesteros de Torres (Translator)
| 1992 | 0 reads | 0 | |
| 1996 | 0 reads | 0 | |
| 1897 | 1,226 reads | 3.86 | |
| 1954 | 1,961 reads | 3.55 | |
| 1952 | 2 reads | 5 | |
| 1349 | 1 read | 0 | |
The Origins of Totalitarianism | 1948 | 26 reads | 4.29 | |
The Origins of Totalitarianism | 1948 | 26 reads | 4.29 | |
| 1901 | 36 reads | 3.42 | |
Crónica de piedra - Ismail Kadare
- Ramón Sánchez Lizarralde (translator)
| 1971 | 0 reads | 0 | |
| 1939 | 3 reads | 4.67 | |
Ficciones - Jorge Luis Borges
- John Sturrock (Translator)
- Anthony Kerringan (Translator)
| 1944 | 127 reads | 4.2 | |
The Uncensored Picture of Dorian Gray | 1890 | 1,079 reads | 4.05 | |