American Mathematical Soc.

American Mathematical Soc. is a publisher who has published at least 206 editions.

A Study in Derived Algebraic Geometry: Deformations, Lie Theory and Formal Geometry
Braid Foliations in Low-dimensional Topology
Theta Constants, Riemann Surfaces and the Modular Group
Foundations of Arithmetic Differential Geometry
Experiencing Mathematics: What Do We Do, When We Do Mathematics?
Nonlinear Pdes: A Dynamical Systems Approach
Spaces: An Introduction to Real Analysis
Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
Topics in Noncommutative Geometry
Grid Homology for Knots and Links
$C^*$-Algebras and Elliptic Operators in Differential Topology
Modular Forms: A Classical Approach
The Tools of Mathematical Reasoning
Collected Works of John Tate: 1951-1975 Part 1
Ordered Groups and Topology
From Groups to Geometry and Back
Differential Geometry: Curves - Surfaces - Manifolds
Quiver Representations and Quiver Varieties
Topics in Differential Geometry
Manifolds and Differential Geometry
Cartan for Beginners: Differential Geometry Via Moving Frames and Exterior Differential Systems
Mirror Symmetry
Lecture Notes in Algebraic Topology
Game Theory: A Playful Introduction
Algebraic Spaces and Stacks
Fundamentals of Mathematical Analysis
John von Neumann: Selected Letters
Motives, Quantum Field Theory, and Pseudodifferential Operators
A Von Neumann Algebra Approach to Quantum Metrics: Quantum Relations
A User-friendly Introduction to Lebesgue Measure and Integration
Class Field Theory
Operator Algebras and Geometry
Quantum Bounded Symmetric Domains
Game Theory Through Examples
Arithmetical Wonderland
A First Course in Topology: Continuity and Dimension
Lyapunov Theorems for Operator Algebras
An Epsilon of Room, I: Real Analysis: Pages from Year Three of a Mathematical Blog
A Guide to Complex Variables
An Introduction to Measure Theory
Number Theory 2: Introduction to Class Field Theory
Mathematical Connections: A Capstone Course
Compactness and Contradiction
Linear and Quasi Linear Evolution Equations in Hilbert Spaces: Exploring the Anatomy of Integers
Complex Algebraic Geometry
Random Operators: Disorder Effects on Quantum Spectra and Dynamics
Dirichlet Branes and Mirror Symmetry
Eigenvalue Distribution of Large Random Matrices
Four-Dimensional Integrable Hamiltonian Systems With Critical Points
Quandles: An Introduction to the Algebra of Knots
Generalized Dyson Series, Generalized Feynman's Diagrams, the Feynman Integral, and Feynman's Operational Calculus
Operator Theory
Harmonic Analysis
A Topological Chern-Weil Theory
Introduction to Analytic Number Theory
Doeblin and Modern Probability: Proceedings of the Foeblin Conference "50 Years After Doeblin : Development in the Theory of Markov Chains, Markov P
Vertex Operator Algebras and Related Areas: An International Conference in Honor of Geoffrey Masons 60th Birthday July 7-11, 2008 Illinois State University Normal, Illinois
Algebra, K-Theory, Groups, and Education: On the Occasion of Hyman Bass's 65th Birthday
Geometric Analysis on the Heisenberg Group and Its Generalizations
Basic Complex Analysis
Real Analysis
A Course on Large Deviations With an Introduction to Gibbs Measures
On the Spectra of Quantum Groups
Lectures on Fractal Geometry and Dynamical Systems
Subgroup Complexes
Lectures on Surfaces
Connective Real $K$-Theory of Finite Groups
Cohen-Macaulay Representations
Probability Tales
Koszul Cohomology and Algebraic Geometry
Advanced Complex Analysis
Running with Scissors
Modern Classical Homotopy Theory
Cluster Algebra and Poisson Geometry
Superstrings, Geometry, Topology, and C*-Algebras
The Joys of Haar Measure
Introduction to 3-Manifolds
Cartan for Beginners: Differential Geometry Via Moving Frames and Exterior Differential Systems
Lecture Notes on Functional Analysis: With Applications to Linear Partial Differential Equations
Algebras, Rings and Modules: Lie Algebras and Hopf Algebras
Topology of Tiling Spaces
Beyond Topology
Invitation to Ergodic Theory
Mathematical Foundations of Information Flow: Clifford Lectures Information Flow in Physics, Geometry, Logic and Computation: March 12-15, 2008, ... of Symposia in Applied Mathematics, 71)
Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Field Theory and Perturbative String Theory
String-Math 2011
The Ergodic Theory of Discrete Sample Paths
A Brief Introduction to Classical, Statistical, and Quantum Mechanics
Lectures on Algebraic Model Theory
Analytic Number Theory: Exploring the Anatomy of Integers
Lectures on Set Theoretic Topology
Riemannian Geometry
Conformal Invariants: Topics in Geometric Function Theory
Embeddings in Manifolds
Geometry and Topology of Manifolds
Monotone Dynamical Systems: An Introduction to the Theory of Competitive and Cooperative Systems
Operads in Algebra, Topology and Physics
Famous Puzzles of Great Mathematicians
Computability Theory