
Birkhäuser is a publisher who has published at least 195 editions.

Visual Complex Functions: An Introduction with Phase Portraits
Yamabe-type Equations on Complete, Noncompact Manifolds
Raoul Bott: Collected Papers: Volume 5
The Expanding Worlds of General Relativity
Mathematical Cultures: The London Meetings 2012-2014
The Scholar and the State: In Search of Van der Waerden
Metric and Differential Geometry: The Jeff Cheeger Anniversary Volume
Principles of Learning and Memory
Towards a Theory of Spacetime Theories
On the Hypotheses Which Lie at the Bases of Geometry
The Companion Guide to the Mathematical Experience: Study Edition
Mathematics and Physics
From Groups to Categorial Algebra: Introduction to Protomodular and Mal’tsev Categories
Bernstein Operators and Their Properties
La correspondance de jeunesse d’Henri Poincaré: Les années de formation. De l'École polytechnique à l'École des Mines
Geometry and Spectra of Compact Riemann Surfaces
Stochastic Integration by Parts and Functional Itô Calculus
A Glimpse at Hilbert Space Operators: Paul R. Halmos in Memoriam
Historiography of Mathematics in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Introduction to Complex Theory of Differential Equations
The Gelfand Mathematical Seminars, 1996–1999
Vortices in the Magnetic Ginzburg-Landau Model
Elements of KK-Theory: Theory & Applications)
An Introduction to the Language of Category Theory
A Complex Analysis Problem Book
Geometry and Quantization of Moduli Spaces
Operator Algebras, Operator Theory and Applications
Norbert Wiener 1894–1964
Convex Integration Theory: Solutions to the h-principle in geometry and topology
Nice Numbers
Arbeitstagung Bonn 2013: In Memory of Friedrich Hirzebruch
5000 Years of Geometry: Mathematics in History and Culture
Geometric Methods in Physics: XXXIV Workshop, Białowieża, Poland, June 28 – July 4, 2015
Niels Bohr, 1913-2013: Poincaré Seminar 2013
The Method of Rigged Spaces in Singular Perturbation Theory of Self-Adjoint Operators
Module Theory, Extending Modules and Generalizations
Application of Holomorphic Functions in Two and Higher Dimensions
Statistics for Mathematicians: A Rigorous First Course
Modern Logic 1850-1950, East and West
Real Analysis
Singularities: The Brieskorn Anniversary Volume
An Introduction to Frames and Riesz Bases
Ordered Sets: An Introduction with Connections from Combinatorics to Topology
Counting Surfaces: Combinatorics, Matrix Models and Algebraic Geometry
K3 Surfaces and Their Moduli
Einstein and the Changing Worldviews of Physics
Quantization on Nilpotent Lie Groups
Geometric Methods in Physics: XXXIII Workshop, Białowieża, Poland, June 29 – July 5, 2014
Quantization, PDEs, and Geometry: The Interplay of Analysis and Mathematical Physics
Compactifying Moduli Spaces
Heat Kernel Method and its Applications
Quantum Mathematical Physics: A Bridge between Mathematics and Physics
Turing’s Revolution: The Impact of His Ideas about Computability
Bicomplex Holomorphic Functions: The Algebra, Geometry and Analysis of Bicomplex Numbers
Lectures on Functor Homology
Towards an Arithmetical Logic: The Arithmetical Foundations of Logic
The Fourfold Way in Real Analysis: An Alternative to the Metaplectic Representation
Handbook of Floating-Point Arithmetic
Foliations: Dynamics, Geometry and Topology
Linear Differential Equations and Group Theory from Riemann to Poincare
Differential Equations of My Young Years
Decoding the City: How Big Data Can Change Urbanism
The Maximum Principle
The Implicit Function Theorem: History, Theory, and Applications
An Introduction to Diophantine Equations: A Problem-Based Approach
The Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic in the 1920s and 1930s in Poland
Surgery Theory and Geometry of Representations
Singularities of Differentiable Maps, Volume 2: Monodromy and Asymptotics of Integrals
The Physical Tourist: A Science Guide for the Traveler
Looking at Numbers
Alfred Tarski: Early Work in Poland―Geometry and Teaching
Elliptic Partial Differential Equations: Volume 2: Reaction-Diffusion Equations
Singularities of Differentiable Maps, Volume 1: Classification of Critical Points, Caustics and Wave Fronts
Two-Dimensional Conformal Geometry and Vertex Operator Algebras
The Classical Theory of Integral Equations: A Concise Treatment
Families of Automorphic Forms
Topics in Operator Theory:, Vol. 2
The Mathematical Philosophy of Bertrand Russell: Origins and Development
Metric Foliations and Curvature
An Introduction to Riemann Surfaces
Singular Limits in Thermodynamics of Viscous Fluids
Classical Geometries in Modern Contexts: Geometry of Real Inner Product Spaces Third Edition
Lecture Notes on Mean Curvature Flow
The Monodromy Group
Geometric Integration Theory
Homotopy Theory of C*-Algebras
Hypoelliptic Laplacian and Bott–Chern Cohomology: A Theorem of Riemann–Roch–Grothendieck in Complex Geometry
Higher Structures in Geometry and Physics: In Honor of Murray Gerstenhaber and Jim Stasheff
Intersection Cohomology
Proper Group Actions and the Baum-Connes Conjecture
Ramsey Theory: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Riemannian Topology and Geometric Structures on Manifolds
Spectral Theory of Operators on Hilbert Spaces
Computational Algebraic Geometry
The Theory of Jacobi Forms
Visions in Mathematics: GAFA 2000 Special Volume, Part I pp. 1-453
Elliptic Curves, Hilbert Modular Forms and Galois Deformations
Visions in Mathematics: GAFA 2000 Special Volume, Part II pp. 455-983
Cohomological and Geometric Approaches to Rationality Problems: New Perspectives
Fundamentals of Group Theory: An Advanced Approach