
Bookcassette is a publisher who has published at least 43 editions.

Chaos Mode
Fractal Mode
Temple of the Winds
The Concrete Blonde
Jewels of the Sun
Daring to Dream
Finding the Dream
Trunk Music
Around the World in Eighty Days
Hocus Pocus, or What's the Hurry, Son?
The Last of the Mohicans
Die Trying
Killing Floor
The Picture of Dorian Grey
The White Dragon
Bastard Out of Carolina
Stone of Tears
The Pillars of the Earth
The Sparrow
The Clan of the Cave Bear
The Three Musketeers
The Last Coyote
Wizard's First Rule
The Postman
The Beach
The Moon And Sixpence: Students Edition
The Auerbach Will
The Nightingale Legacy
A Tale of Two Cities
Servant of the Dragon
Red Phoenix
Finnegan's Week
Sea Swept
The League of Night and Fog
The Plains of Passage
Blood of the Fold
Come the Morning
On Wings of Eagles