Books on Tape, Inc.

Books on Tape, Inc. is a publisher who has published at least 53 editions.

A World Lit Only by Fire

A World Lit Only by Fire
ByWilliam Manchester

April 30, 1992 • Audiobook • 1 Reader • Format Audiobook 3

Cover 6

Across the Sea of Stars
ByArthur C. Clarke

January 1, 1957 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • Info Unabridged 4

Conquests and Cultures

#3 of 2 in Cultures

Conquests And Cultures
ByThomas Sowell

January 1, 1998 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • 49 pages 4

Eight Little Piggies

#6 of 8 in Reflections in Natural History

Eight Little Piggies
ByStephen Jay Gould

January 1, 1993 • Physical Book • 1 Reader 3.5

A Catskill Eagle

#12 of 50 in Spenser

A Catskill Eagle
ByRobert B. Parker

January 1, 1985 • Audiobook • 1 Reader • Format Audio Cassette 3.5

Coming Up for Air

Coming Up for Air
ByGeorge Orwell,Richard Green

January 1, 1939 • Physical Book 3.8

Burmese Days

Burmese Days
ByGeorge Orwell,Stuart Langton

January 1, 1934 • Physical Book 3.9

A Clergyman's Daughter

The Clergyman's Daughter
ByGeorge Orwell,Richard Green

January 1, 1935 • Physical Book 3.6

Drowned Hopes

#7 of 14 in Dortmunder

Drowned Hopes
ByDonald E. Westlake

January 1, 1990 • Audiobook • Format Audio Cassette • Info Unabridged 4.5

The Swiss Family Robinson

The Swiss Family Robinson
ByJohann David Wyss

January 1, 1812 • Physical Book • Info Unabridged 3.4

The October Country

The October Country
ByRay Bradbury

January 1, 1955 • Physical Book 3.9

The Illustrated Man

The Illustrated Man
ByRay Bradbury

February 1, 1951 • Physical Book 3.9

I Sing the Body Electric!

May 1, 1990 • Physical Book 3.8

Setting Free the Bears

October 1, 1981 • Physical Book 3.6


#1 of 43 in Nero Wolfe

ByRex Stout

October 1, 1934 • Physical Book 3.8

Enemy of God

#2 of 3 in The Warlord Chronicles

Enemy of God
ByBernard Cornwell

December 4, 1997 • Physical Book 4.4

F is for Fugitive

#6 of 25 in Kinsey Millhone

F is for Fugitive
BySue Grafton

May 15, 1989 • Physical Book 3.7

The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York

ByRobert A. Caro

September 16, 1974 • Physical Book • Info Collector's/Library Edition 4.7

The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York

The Power Broker
ByRobert A. Caro

November 18, 1991 • Physical Book 4.7

The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York

September 16, 1974 • Audiobook • Format Audio Cassette 4.7


ByJ. G. Ballard

May 14, 1997 • Physical Book 3.4

I Am Legend

I Am Legend
ByRichard Matheson

July 1, 1954 • Physical Book 3.9


#2 of 3 in The Space Trilogy

ByGrover Gardner

January 1, 1943 • Physical Book 4

That Hideous Strength

#3 of 3 in The Space Trilogy

December 1, 1945 • Physical Book 3.7

Only Yesterday: An Informal History of the 1920s

Only Yesterday
ByFrederick Lewis Allen

January 1, 1931 • Physical Book 4

The Golden Compass

#1 of 3 in His Dark Materials

The Golden Compass
ByPhilip Pullman

July 1, 1995 • Physical Book 4

Hard Times

Hard Times
ByCharles Dickens

January 1, 1854 • Physical Book 3.2


ByVladimir Nabokov

March 1, 1991 • Physical Book 3.9

Lucifer's Hammer

#1 of 1 in Lucifer's Hammer, Audio

Lucifer's Hammer, Part 1 of 2
ByLarry Niven,Jerry Pournelle

July 1, 1977 • Audiobook • Format Audio Cassette 3.7

The Ringworld Engineers

#2 of 5 in Ringworld

June 3, 1979 • Physical Book 3.3

The Uncensored Picture of Dorian Gray

June 20, 1890 • Physical Book 4.1

The Crossing

#2 of 3 in The Border Trilogy

The Crossing
ByCormac McCarthy

June 1, 1994 • Physical Book 4.2

The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood

January 1, 1883 • Physical Book • Info Special Library Edition, 8 Audio Cassettes, 12 Hours 4

Sense and Sensibility

October 30, 1811 • Physical Book 3.8



January 1, 1759 • Physical Book • 4 pages • Info 4 1-hour cassettes 3.8


January 1, 180 • Physical Book 4.2

The Left Hand of Darkness

#4 of 9 in Hainish Cycle

The Left Hand Of Darkness
ByUrsula K. Le Guin

January 1, 1969 • Audiobook • Format Audio Cassette 4.1

The Confessions of Nat Turner

October 1, 1985 • Physical Book 2.5

The Chosen

#1 of 1 in Reuven Malther

The Chosen
ByChaim Potok,Chaim POTOK,+1 more

October 23, 1986 • Physical Book 4.1

The Hunchback of Notre-Dame

Barron's Graphic Classics

January 14, 1831 • Audiobook • Format Audio Cassette 3.8


#1 of 5 in Ringworld

ByLarry Niven

October 1, 1970 • Physical Book 3.7

White Noise

White Noise
ByDon DeLillo

January 1, 1985 • Physical Book 3.8

A Is for Alibi

#1 of 25 in Kinsey Millhone

A is for Alibi
BySue Grafton

April 15, 1982 • Physical Book 3.4

In the Heart of the Sea: The Epic True Story That Inspired Moby-Dick

May 8, 2000 • Physical Book 4.1

The Winter King

#1 of 3 in The Warlord Chronicles

The Winter King
ByBernard Cornwell

January 1, 1995 • Physical Book 4.2

The Killer Angels: The Classic Novel of the Civil War

#2 of 3 in The Civil War Trilogy

The Killer Angels
ByMichael Shaara

January 1, 1974 • Physical Book 4.2

Angle of Repose

Angle Of Repose
ByWallace Stegner

February 23, 1996 • Physical Book 4.2

The Murder on The Links

#2 of 47 in Hercule Poirot

Murder on the Links
ByAgatha Christie

January 1, 1923 • Physical Book 3.6


ByGeorge Orwell

April 8, 1949 • Audiobook • Format Audio Cassette 4.2


#1 of 8 in Dune

ByFrank Herbert

June 1, 1965 • Physical Book • 19 pages • Info Audio Edition/New Illustrated Edition 4.3

Keep the Aspidistra Flying

April 20, 1936 • Physical Book 4.1

Down and Out in Paris and London

January 1, 1933 • Physical Book 4

The Return of the Native

January 1, 1878 • Physical Book 3.8