Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press is a publisher who has published at least 2342 editions.

Classical Field Theory
Spectral Spaces
Lectures on von Neumann Algebras
The Rise of Modern Science Explained: A Comparative History
The Lifeways of Hunter-Gatherers: The Foraging Spectrum
Multidimensional Real Analysis Volume II: Integration. Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, Volume 87
Eisenstein Series and Automorphic Representations: With Applications in String Theory
Global Homotopy Theory
An Introduction to Mathematical Cosmology
Non-Associative Normed Algebras
High-Dimensional Probability: An Introduction with Applications in Data Science
Extensions of f
Introductory Physics for Biological Scientists
Nuclear Superfluidity: Pairing in Finite Systems
The Rule of Law in the Real World
Complex Analysis and Algebraic Geometry: A Collection of Papers Dedicated to K. Kodaira
Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics
Reliable Knowledge: An Exploration of the Grounds for Belief in Science
Formal Geometry and Bordism Operations
Constitutional Illusions and Anchoring Truths: The Touchstone of the Natural Law
Lectures on Logarithmic Algebraic Geometry
Algorithmic Aspects of Machine Learning
Quantum Field Theory for Economics and Finance
Twentieth-Century South Africa: A Developmental History
Lectures on Real Analysis
Collapse of the Wave Function: Models, Ontology, Origin, and Implications
An Introduction to Close Binary Stars
Secretary or General?: The UN Secretary-General in World Politics
Theoretical Virtues in Science: Uncovering Reality through Theory
Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age 1798 -1939
Character Theory and the McKay Conjecture
Discrete Harmonic Analysis: Representations, Number Theory, Expanders, and the Fourier Transform
Commutative Algebra
An Introduction to Topological Groups
Topological and Non-Topological Solitons in Scalar Field Theories
Neural Networks and Qualitative Physics: A Viability Approach
The System of Liberty: Themes in the History of Classical Liberalism
Securities Against Misrule: Juries, Assemblies, Elections
Geometries and Transformations
Quantum Inverse Scattering Method and Correlation Functions
The Principle of Least Action: History and Physics
Real Analysis
Fighting the First Wave: Why the Coronavirus Was Tackled So Differently Across the Globe
The General Theory of Relativity: A Mathematical Approach
Neuroethics: Challenges for the 21st Century
Lyapunov Exponents: A Tool to Explore Complex Dynamics
Numerical Relativity: Starting from Scratch
Imperial Science: Cable Telegraphy and Electrical Physics in the Victorian British Empire
Political Institutions under Dictatorship
A Comprehensive Introduction to Sub-Riemannian Geometry
Numerical Methods in Physics with Python
Testing Quantum Mechanics on New Ground
Rigid Body Kinematics
Algebra through Practice Volume 2
Introduction to Effective Field Theory: Thinking Effectively about Hierarchies of Scale
After Kinship
Where Do Numbers Come From?
The Concept of Motion in Ancient Greek Thought: Foundations in Logic, Method, and Mathematics
Clifford Algebras: An Introduction
Time and Causality across the Sciences
Modular Theory in Operator Algebras
Fine-Tuning in the Physical Universe
Mathematical Intuitionism
Grounding Cognition: The Role of Perception and Action in Memory, Language, and Thinking
Statistics for the Social Sciences: A General Linear Model Approach
A Walk through the Southern Sky: A Guide to Stars, Constellations and Their Legends
Cognitive Changes and the Aging Brain
Higher Index Theory
Zeta and L-Functions of Varieties and Motives
The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning
German National Socialism and the Quest for Nuclear Power, 1939–49
Curve and Surface Reconstruction: Algorithms with Mathematical Analysis
Strong Interactions of Hadrons at High Energies: Gribov Lectures On Theoretical Physics
Liquid Metals: Concepts and Theory
Data Mining and Machine Learning: Fundamental Concepts and Algorithms
Integrable Systems and Algebraic Geometry: Volume 2
A History of the University in Europe: Volume 3, Universities in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
Topological Solitons
An Introduction to Regge Theory and High Energy Physics
The Analysis of Space-Time Singularities
Noncommutative Rings
A History of the University in Europe: Volume 1, Universities in the Middle Ages
From Categories to Homotopy Theory
Einstein, Bohr and the Quantum Dilemma: From Quantum Theory to Quantum Information
Early Quantum Electrodynamics: A Sourcebook
Representation Theory: Selected Papers
Tensor Products of C*-Algebras and Operator Spaces: The Connes-Kirchberg Problem
Maximal Cohen-Macaulay Modules Over Cohen-Macaulay Rings
What Spacetime Explains: Metaphysical Essays on Space and Time
Solid State Physics: Essential Concepts
Money and Empire: Charles P. Kindleberger and the Dollar System
Gnostic Religion in Antiquity
History in Flames: The Destruction and Survival of Medieval Manuscripts
Hellenism in Byzantium: The Transformations of Greek Identity and the Reception of the Classical Tradition
Hamilton's Paradox: The Promise and Peril of Fiscal Federalism
Twilight of the Godlings: The Shadowy Beginnings of Britain's Supernatural Beings
Stahl's Essential Psychopharmacology: Neuroscientific Basis and Practical Applications
The New Experts
A Practical Guide to Data Analysis for Physical Science Students
Legal Revision and Religious Renewal in Ancient Israel