
christianaudio is a publisher who has published at least 18 editions.

Reading the Bible with Rabbi Jesus: How a Jewish Perspective Can Transform Your Understanding

Audiobook • 1 Reader • Format Audiobook 4.7

Cover 1

Audiobook • 1 Reader • Format Audiobook 4

The Radical Disciple: Some Neglected Aspects of Our Calling

January 1, 2010 • Physical Book • 1 Reader • Info Unabridged 5

The Hole in Our Gospel: What does God expect of Us? The Answer that Changed my Life and Might Just Change the World

March 1, 2009 • Audiobook • 1 Reader • Format Audio CD

The Holy Bible in Audio - King James Version: Song of Solomon

#22 of 66 in Bible

January 1, 300 • Audiobook • 1 Reader • Format Audiobook 5

Sinner's Creed

Sinner's Creed
ByScott Stapp

October 2, 2012 • Audiobook • 1 Reader • Format Audiobook 3.5

Worldliness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World

December 31, 2007 • Audiobook • 1 Reader • Format Audio CD 4.5

Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God: The Scandalous Truth of the Very Good News

Audiobook • 1 Reader • Format Audiobook 4

The Pursuit of Holiness

The Pursuit of Holiness
ByJerry Bridges,Arthur Morey

January 1, 1978 • Audiobook • 1 Reader • Format Audiobook 4.6

The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert: An English Professor's Journey into Christian Faith

September 6, 2012 • Audiobook • 1 Reader • Format Audiobook • Info Unabridged 2

When Helping Hurts: Alleviating the Poverty Without Hurting The Poor...And Ourselves

June 24, 2009 • Audiobook • 1 Reader • Format Audiobook

A Loving Life: In a World of Broken Relationships

January 1, 2014 • Audiobook • 1 Reader • Format Audiobook 3

Taking God Seriously: Vital Things We Need to Know

February 15, 2013 • Audiobook • 1 Reader • Format Audio CD

Disability and the Gospel: How God Uses Our Brokenness to Display His Grace

July 31, 2012 • Audiobook • 1 Reader • Format Audiobook

Resolving Everyday Conflict

Resolving Everyday Conflict
ByKen Sande,Kevin Johnson

May 1, 2011 • Audiobook • 1 Reader • Format Audiobook • Info Unabridged 4.5

Fields of Gold

Fields of Gold
ByAndy Stanley

January 1, 2004 • Audiobook • 1 Reader • Format Audiobook

Scripture and the Authority of God: How to Read the Bible Today

December 1, 2005 • Audiobook • Format Audio CD 3.4

The Road Back to You

October 4, 2016 • Physical Book • Info Unabridged 4